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第5讲 形容词和副词

考点一 形容词、副词的基本功能 1.形容词的基本语法功能 (1)形容词作定语


①It didn't make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball, and it wasn't a smooth operation like ice-skating.

它并没有利用我们投掷棒球时使用的长肌,也不像滑冰那样平稳运转。 但在下列情况下,形容词要放在被修饰词后面。

a.形容词作定语修饰由some-,any-,every-,no-和-body, -thing, -one等构成的复合不定代词时,需后置。

②There is nobody absent today. 今天没有人缺席。

③She must have met something dangerous. 她肯定遇到了危险。

b.一些表语形容词作定语时,常放在被修饰词的后面,如alive, alike, awake, asleep, alone等。

④In the American continents, Canada and Argentina alone have succeeded. 在美洲大陆,只有加拿大和阿根廷已取得成功。


⑤It is a problem difficult to solve. 这是一个难解决的问题。 ⑥He is a boy good at sports. 他是个擅长体育运动的男孩。

d.由and/or连接的并列形容词成对使用时要后置。 ⑦There was a huge room, simple and beautiful. 有一个大房间,简朴而美丽。

⑧She has many pencils, blue and red. 她有许多铅笔,有蓝的和红的。 (2)形容词作表语

通常情况下,在系动词之后用形容词作表语,系动词有以下几种: 状态系动词:be(is/am/are/was/were)

变化系动词:become, get, turn, grow, go, come, fall 持续系动词:keep, remain, stay, lie, stand 感官系动词:look, smell, taste, feel, sound 终止系动词:prove, turn out 表象系动词:seem, appear ⑨The boy fell ill last night. 昨晚那个男孩病倒了。

⑩Our country becomes stronger and stronger. 我们国家变得越来越强大。 (3)形容词作宾补

形容词作宾语补足语时,可以表示宾语的性质、状态,也可以表示某一动作的结果。 ?Please keep the classroom clean and tidy. 请保持教室干净、整洁。 ?Who left the door open? 谁没有关门?

?I think it very interesting. 我认为它很有趣。 (4)形容词作状语


?They arrived home, tired and hungry. 他们回到家,又累又饿。

?He came over, eager to help.

→He came over and (he) was eager to help. 他走过来,急于想帮忙。

[注意] of+抽象名词=抽象名词对应的形容词,如of importance=important。 2.副词的基本语法功能 (1)副词作状语

副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或者修饰整个句子。 ①His speech directly affected the strike.(修饰动词) 他的演讲直接影响了罢工。

②He is very diligent.(修饰形容词) 他非常勤奋。

③You can find books on that subject quite easily.(修饰副词) 你能很容易地找到关于那个科目的书。

④Luckily she was in when I called.(修饰句子) 幸运的是,当我打电话的时候她在家。 [注意] (1)形容词与副词作状语时的差别


After the long journey, the three of them went back home, hungry and tired. 经过长时间旅行后,他们三个回到了家,又饿又累。 ②有些副词置于句首,可修饰全句,作评注性状语。 Luckily, her stepmother was kind to her. 幸运的是,她的继母对她很好。


①表示逻辑连接关系。常见的此类副词有therefore, however, otherwise, furthermore, nevertheless等。

Therefore, we have to come here again tomorrow. 因此,我们明天还得来这儿一趟。

②表示评述或说话人的态度。常见的此类副词有importantly, luckily, fortunately, unfortunately, strangely等。

Unfortunately, he failed again. 不幸的是,他又失败了。

③表示方式。常见的此类副词有quietly, warmly, carefully, happily, carelessly等。

He carelessly left the door unlocked.



