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advantagecomparative basis A. explaining the for pricesof trade on factor the B. examining effect B*C. both A and Bneither A nor D.

model:the H-O of is 2. Which not an assumption nationsin both same A. the technology scaleto constant B. returns specialization*C. complete nationsboth equal D. tastes in

if:K/L in production equal technology 3. With equal nations will have sameare the factor *A. prices samethe tastes B. are

samefunctions C. production are the abovethe of D. all

47 / 15.

when:commodity 4. We say that Y is K-intensive with respect to X XA. more K is used Y than the production of in Xthan production the of Y B. less L is used in

XY than production is L/K ratio used in the of a *C. lower Ythan of is used in the production X a D. higher K/L

L/Kw/r falls, 5. When

commoditiesboth falls in the production of A. commoditiesboth rises in the production of *B. fallor C. can rise affectedis D. not

a:it has if relative said is to have a abundance of K 6. A nation Kamount of absolute A. greater Lof absolute B. smaller amount ratiohigher L/K C. r/wlower *D.

diffebetween nations can be based on a A 7. difference in relative commodity prices

in:rence technologyA.

endowmentsB. factor tastesC.

above*D. all of the

in:on mostly a difference based trade model, the 8. In H-O international is technologyA.

47 / 16.

endowments*B. factor scaleeconomies C. of tastesD.

in:differences trade reduces international H-O 9. According to the model, pricesnot but absolute factor A. relative pricesnot relative factor B. absolute but pricesand absolute factor *C. both relative pricesnor absolute factor D. neither relative

will:international trade According to the H-O model, 10. incomescapita per A. reduce international differences in incomescapita differences increases international in per B.

incomesdifferences in per capita may *C. increase or reduce international specializationlead to complete D.

with:it deals equilibrium H-O The model is a general model because 11. nationsin both A. production nationsboth consumption B. in nationstwo C. trade between the aboveof *D. all the

modelgeneral equilibrium a is 12. The H-O model a simplification of the truly with:deals because it nationstwo A. commoditiestwo B.

productionC. two factors of aboveof the all *D.

47 / 17.

U.S.empirical finding that Leontief 13. The paradox refers to the exportsmore K-intensive than *A. import substitutes are exportsK-intensive than more B. imports are importsthan are C. exports more L-intensive

substitutesimport exports D. are more K-intensive than

theory:H-O we empirical studies, conclude that the 14. From

rejectedA. must be

reservationsbe B. must accepted without

testingaccepted while awaiting further be *C. can tradeD. explains all international

with:produced must be two 15. For factor reversal to occur, commodities factors substitution of *A. sufficiently different elasticity of ratioK/L same B. the

proportionsfactor C. technologically-fixed factorsof equal D. elasticity of substitution

思考题: 理论有哪些假设?各假设的含义是什么?为什么要做出这些假设?H-O 理论的正确性?如何检验H-O 定理的假设条件又是什么?他与生产要素国际间的流动有何关系?H-O-S

定理在现实中的可靠性?如何检验H-O-STInternational of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and Chapter 6: Economies

rade Questions:Multiple-Choice

rests:Heckscher-Ohlin theory the 1. the Relaxing assumptions on which theorythe to A. leads rejection of unaffectedtheory the B. leaves

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theoriestrade *C. requires complementary above.the D. any of

leavwhen relaxed, following assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin theory, Which of the

e unaffected?theory the

factorstwo Two nations, two commodities, and A. technologyboth nations use same the B.

nationsL-intensive is in both commodity C. the same above*D. all of the

relaxed,when Heckscher-Ohlin the the Which of following assumptions of theory, theories?trade require new

scale*A. Economies of specializationB. incomplete nationsin both C. similar tastes

costsexistence of transportation D. the

idenations have scale of even if can International trade on be based both economies

ntical: endowmentsA. factor tastesB. technologyC.

abovethe *D. all of

trade:deal of international 5. A great tradeA. is intra-industry

productsdifferentiated B. involves

competitionmonopolistic on is C. based

47 / 19.

abovethe *D. all of

trade:trade theories explains most of the The 6. Heckscher-Ohlin and new countriesA. among industrial

countriesB. between developed and developing goodsC. industrial in abovethe *D. all of

emarket large which a domestic theory The that nation a exports those products for

xists by: was advanced Linder*A. VernonB. LeontiefC. OhlinD.

place:trade takes 8. Intra-industry homogeneousproducts A. because are

scaleof economies of to *B. in order take advantage

organizationmarket form prevalent is the of competition C. because perfect abovethe all D. of

intra-imports, its a a If twice nation exports as much of differentiated product that it to:equal is industry (T) index 1.00A. 0.75B. 0.50*C. 0.25D.

47 / 20.

to:10. Trade based closely related on technological gaps is theorythe H-O A.

theory*B. the product-cycle theoryC. Linder's aboveD. all of the

theorproduct-cycle the 11. Which of the following statements is true with regard to

y? countriesdepends A. It on differences in technological changes over time among countriesit depends on among of technological gaps the opening and B. the closing advanC. it postulates that industrial countries export more advanced products to less countriesced

above*D. all of the

costs:12. Transport

countryA. increase the the importing price in countryB. the price reduces in the exporting above*C. both the of B.D. neither A nor

analyzed:13. be Transport costs can curvesand A. with demand supply frontiersproduction B. curvesC. offer aboveof the *D. all

nation:on costs will fall less heavily the share 14. The of transport commodityof the traded supply more *A. with the elastic demand and commoditythe and supply of traded demand less with B. the elastic agricultural productsexporting C.

47 / 21.

marketD. largest domestic with the

product:is one the in which footloose 15. A industry processingA. gains in weight processingin B. loses weight abovethe C. both of B.nor *D. neither A

思考题:本章的贸易理论与基于比较优势的贸易理论有哪些不同?这两类贸易理论是互相排斥的 吗?定理有何影H-O-SH-O理论与心贸易理论之间有什么经验关联?运输成本对H-O定理和 响? 不同的环保标准时如何影响产业选址及国际贸易的?年底联合国哥本哈根气候大会中的

议题与国际贸易有何关系?这对我国经贸发展有何2009 影响? Trade International Economic Growth and Chapter 7: QuestionsMultiple-Choice

in:refer to changes factors 1. Dynamic in trade theory endowmentsfactor A. technologyB. tastesC.

above*D. all of the



