“Javascript Web开发与应用”课程网络教学研究与探索
【期刊名称】《电脑知识与技术》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)016
【摘要】“Javascript Web开发与应用”是Web设计系列课程中一门重要的技术课,该课程需要html知识、css知识和高级语言程序设计知识,具有很强的实践性。该文通过分析目前Javascript程序设计课程的现状,提出了利用昆明理工大学“教育在线”这个计算机网络教育平台,合理规划教学内容,积累教育资源,跨地域开展教学互动,进行教学评价,构建快捷高效的师生互动课堂。实践表明,这种教学形式能有效提高教学效率和效果。%“Web development and application with javascript”is an important technology course in web design courses. The course needs HTML knowledge, knowledge of CSS and advanced language program design knowledge, is practical. In this pa-per, through the analysis of the current status of javascript development course, by using the computer network
University of Science and Technology, we can make plan of the teaching content, accu-mulate educational resources, teach and evaluate cross regions, build efficient teacher-student interactions. Practice shows that, this kind of teaching can effectively improve teaching efficiency and effect.
“Javascript Web开发与应用”课程网络教学研究与探索