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【初中英语】 现在完成时单元测试(word版附答案)(1)

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必备英语【初中英语】 现在完成时单元测试(word版附答案)


1.His cat has ________ for five weeks.

A. died B. been dead C. dying D. dies 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:他的猫已经死了5个星期了。die是短暂性动词,不能表示状态的延续。 由时间状语 for five weeks可知应用延续性动词,故答案选B。


2.My father ____ in a panda protection center for 10 years, so he knows a lot about panda. A. was working B. is working C. has worked D. will work 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:我父亲在熊猫保护中心工作了10年,所以他对熊猫很了解。由句中的语句for 10 years 提示可知,此句要用现在完成时,主语my father,助动词要用has,故选C。


3.I scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old.

A. will be B. was C. have been D. would be 【答案】 C



4.—How many letters you to your mother? —109 in all, since 2016.

A. has, written B. have, written C. did, write D. are, writing 【答案】 B

【解析】【分析】句意:——你给你妈写了多少封信?——从2016年起,总共109封。句中since 2016是现在完成时态常用的时间状语,其结构是主语+have/has+动词过去分词,且主语是you,则应填写have written,故答案选B。 【点评】考查动词的时态。注意现在完成时的用法。

5.—How many times _______ you _______ to Beijing this year?

—Three times.

A. have;been B. had;been C. have;gone D. had;gone 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意是:——你今年去过北京几次?——三次。考查have been 与have gone 的区别。have been 是指去过某地切已经回来了,have gone 是指去了某地还没有回来,根据答句Three times.可以推测已经回来了,故选 A。

6.—Hi, Tom! you ever the Bird's Nest? —Yes, I have. It's fantastic.

A. Have, been to B. Have, gone to C. Did, go to 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】句意:——你好,Tom!你曾经去过鸟巢吗?——是的,我去过。它是极好的。根据答语—Yes, I have.可知是以have开头的现在完成时的一般疑问句,排除C。have been to+地点名词,去过某地,去了并且回来了;have gone to+地点名词,去了某地,去了还没有回来,在去或者回来的路上。根据It's fantastic.可知去了并且回来了,故选A。 【点评】考查短语辨析,注意平时识记其区别,理解句意。

7.Mr.Fan in 2005.In other words,he for 9 years till now.

A. got married;has been married B. married;had been married C. got married;had been married D. married;got married 【答案】 A

【解析】【分析】首先第一空表述的是一个发生在2005年(即过去)的一个动作,所以为一般过去时,其次 married 后面要接宾语,get married 表示的是短暂性动作,所以应填get married. 第二空由“till now”可知表示的是从过去直到现在的一种状态即为现在完成时,此处married做形容词“已婚的”故填“has been married”,故选A.

【点评】此题考查了动词时态问题,同时也考查了“get married”和“married ”的区别。

8.—Do you miss your parents far away?

—Yes, very much. They the hometown for over two years.

A. left B. have left C. were away from D. have been away from 【答案】 D

【解析】【分析】根据句意“他们已经离家两年多了”可知用现在完成时,时间状语for over two years 表示时间段,动词要具有延续性,left是 leave的过去分词,是短暂性动词,不能和时间段连用,故选D。


9.—How do you like Beijing, Miss Read? —I've no idea. I _____ there.

A. have gone B. have been C. haven't been D. haven't gone 【答案】 C

【解析】【分析】句意:---你觉得北京怎么样,瑞得小姐?---我不知道,我没有去过那儿。短语:have been to去过某地(已经返回);have gone to去了某地(尚未返回),根据句意,故答案为C。

【点评】考查短语辨析,区分have been to与have gone to,理解句子,根据语境判断答案。

10.It has been three years since I ______ a teacher.

A. become B. became C. becoming D. to become 【答案】 B



11.Our foreign teacher Miss Smith us English since five years ago.

A. taught B. is teaching C. has taught D. teaches 【答案】 C



12.This museum here for over 80 years. It one of the oldest buildings in this city.

A. is; was B. had been; is C. was; has been D. has been; is 【答案】 D


【初中英语】 现在完成时单元测试(word版附答案)(1)


