申请(专利)号: US201916701042
专利号: US2020105417A1 主分类号: G16H50/30
申请权利人: VFD
CONSULTING, INC. 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
摘 要:
Described herein are systems and methods for generating health or risk parameter reference intervals for use in healthcare or any other application of
risk/attribute measurement. The reference intervals generated by the systems and methods described herein are based on direct analysis and evidence-based models of human and/or other living organism data from a population of individuals including shared feature(s) and outcome data such as vital status. The direct analysis and evidence-based models of human and/or other living organisms data utilize shared common risk parameter feature(s) and outcome data and identify relationships of two or
申请日: 2019-12-02 公开公告日: 2020-04-02
分类号: G16H50/30;
G06N20; G06F1/03; A61B5 发明设计人: VERA DOLAN
申请国代码: US
优先权: 20191202 US
201916701042; 20181212 US 2018065170; 20180205 US 201862626530; 20171212 US 201762597617
摘 要 附 图:
more health or risk parameters relative to one another. These methods also apply to the measurement of risk and/or other attributes of any living organism or nonliving objects. 主权项:
1. A computer-implemented system for processing parameter data in order to generat
权 利 要 求 说 明 书