本次作业是本门课程本学期的第3次作业,注释如下:大学英语I 第3单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. — I’d better be off now. — ____________________________ (A) You must be tired.
(B) Couldn’t you stay a little longer?
(C) I’m sorry to have taken up too much time. (D) Go slowly.
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B
解答参考:[第三单元] B “你不能再多呆会儿吗?”与题干“我现在必须走了”更符合交际的实际情况。A、C、D从语法上说是正确的,但不符合交际习惯
2. —It’s getting late. I’d better be going now. — ____________________________
(A) Take it easy. (B) Good night.
(C) Must you go so soon? (D) Oh, I understand.
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C
解答参考:[第三单元]C “你必须这么快就走吗(就不能再多呆会儿吗?)。实际上为盛情挽留来客
3. —I will call you before I go. Well, I’ve got to run. — ____________________________ (A) I’m pleased to meet you.
(B) Yes, you can leave if you like. (C) Oh, no, you can’t.
(D) All right. Hope to see you soon. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元]D 题干是“啊,我必须马上走”。回答为:“好的,希望能很快再次见到你”
4. —I’m glad to have you here. Do drop by if you have time. — ____________________________ (A) Thanks, I will. (B) See you tomorrow.
(C) Well, take care of yourself. (D) Hope to see you soon.
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元]A 题干是“我很高兴你来我这儿,如果你有时间,请一定来耍”。 回答是“谢谢你,我一定来拜访”
5. —Thank you for everything.
— Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.
— Thanks. ____________________________ (A) Just stay here. (B) I know.
(C) I hope we meet again soon (D) I’m on my way.
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C
解答参考:[第三单元]C 前句是“祝你旅行愉快,并向你爱妻问好”。回答是“希望能很快再次见到你”
6. — ____________________________ — Won't you have another coffee?
(A) Thank you very much for a wonderful party (B) I’m glad to have met you.
(C) Thanks for all your hospitality. (D) Sorry, it's time I left now. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元] D 回答是“不再来杯咖啡吗?” 所以前句为“啊,抱歉,我必须走了”。C 的意思是“谢谢你的殷切款待”,但客人并未说要马上离开
7. — ____________________________.
— But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer?
(A) It’s been a most pleasant stay. (B) I really must be going now.
(C) I had a very good time this evening. Thank you for inviting me. (D) It’s been lovely seeing you. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B
解答参考:[第三单元] B 原因与上句类似。回答是“但你才来啊,不能再多呆一会儿吗?” 所以前句为“我真的必须马上走了”
8. —Thank you for inviting me. — ____________________________. (A) Did you have a good time today? (B) You’re welcome. (C) Please keep in touch.
(D) It was a pleasure having you. Please come again. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元] D 前句是“谢谢你的邀请”。回答应为“能请到你是我的荣幸,请一定要再来”。
9. — ____________________________ — It has been a pleasure. Goodbye! — Goodbye!
(A) It was nice of you to come to see me. (B) See you later.
(C) Stay in touch.
(D) Hope to see you soon.
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元] A 回答是“这是我的荣幸,再见”。所以前句为“能来看我,你真好”
10. — ____________________________ — Good night.
(A) I hope to see you again sometime. (B) It’s getting late. I must go now. (C) I’m afraid I have to go.
(D) Good night and thanks for everything. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元]D 回答是“晚安”。所以前句为 “晚安,谢谢你们的一切(盛情款待)”
11. I crossed the street to __________ meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.
(A) avoid (B) allow (C) forget (D) remember
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元]A avoid 后接动名词做宾语即 avoid doing sth.
12. The Gadfly insisted that the work __________ be finished by the middle of June. (A) must (B) could (C) should (D) might
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C
解答参考:[第三单元]C insist 作“坚持要求”讲时,必须使用虚拟语气,即(should)+动词原形。insist 作“坚持说”讲时,必须使用陈述语气。例如 She insisted that she heard somebody in the house..(她坚持说她听见房间里有人。)
13. Human beings are social animals; therefore, we need friends and I’m __________ exception.
(A) above (B) beyond (C) without (D) no
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元] D above exception 意为“无可非议的”;beyond exception 意为“无可非议的”;in exception 无此搭配;be no exception 意为“不例外”
14. In fact, the panic is __________. As the map shows, the drought has been confined to the south and east of Britain.
(A) overheard (B) overcharged (C) overdone (D) overtime
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C
解答参考:[第三单元] C overhear 意为“无意中听到,偷听”;overcharge意为“讨价过高,使过量装填,过度充电”;overdo 意为“做得过分,过度,过火”;overtime 意为“超时的,加班的”
15. The hooligan is __________ at a passing pretty girl. (A) glancing (B) leering (C) glare (D) look
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B
解答参考:[第三单元]B glance 意为“扫视, 匆匆一看”;leer 意为“投以(敌意、挑逗或会意等的)一瞥”;stare 意为“凝视, 盯着看”;look 是“看”的普通用词。在题干里有提示信息 “hooligan 流氓” 和“a pretty girl 漂亮女孩”,故 B 选项更准确。
16. He entered the house with __________ to steal. (A) contend (B) content (C) intend (D) intent
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元]D contend v. 斗争, 竞争, 主张;content n. 内容;intend v. 想要, 打算;intent n. 意图, 目的
17. He is __________. (A) aggressive (B) progression (C) congress (D) digress
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元]A gress作为词根是:走步。 progress n. & v. 进步,步行;progression n. 进步;进展;aggress v. 攻击,侵略;aggressive adj. 攻击性的,侵略性的;congress n. (代表)大会;digress v. 离题 (di- = dis- 离开,gress行走;→离开主题)
18. The new government’s first __________ is the economy. (A) college (B) colleague (C) challenge (D) change
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D
解答参考:[第三单元] D College n. 学院;colleague n. 同事, 同僚;challenge n. 挑战;change n. 改变, 变化
19. I couldn’t __________ who he was. (A) find out (B) set out (C) fill out (D) figure out
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元] A find out 意为“找出, 发现, 查明(真相等)”;set out 意为“出发, 开始,启程”;fill out 意为“填写, 使长大, 变大”;figure out 意为“想出,领会到”(表示通过仔细思考而逐渐明白了某件事这样一种动作)
20. It took hours of study before the solution finally __________ him. (A) dawned on (B) relied on (C) taken on (D) impressed on
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A
解答参考:[第三单元]A dawn(常与on, upon连用) 意为“逐渐被了解;逐渐被感知”例如 The truth at last dawned on him. (最后他开始了解真相。)rely on 意为“依赖, 依靠”;take on 意为“呈现, 具有,承担”;impress on 意为“给……印象”
21. Children should be taught not to __________ handicapped people. (A) glare at (B) stare at (C) glance at (D) peep at
你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B
解答参考:[第三单元] B glare at 意为“怒视”;stare at 意为“凝视、紧盯着看”;glance at 意为“匆匆看一下, 一瞥”;peep at 意为“偷窥”
22. He looked me right __________ the eyes and lied. (A) at (B) in (C) for