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天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞

cloudy winds snow flurries 37 rain showers rise

Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1 Michael选择1237 Emma 选择4568 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 season Climate thinking mental abilities summer Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 FTTFT

Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数

Unit Test 按照顺序ACBDA would you like love last trust take care BBCAD BDDAC ADBCD ABAB

Course resources这个不计入分数


Lead-in Task1从左到右 从上到下

pizza meatballs hamburger fish

braised in brown sauce fried bread stick French fries Spaghetti dumplings tofu

Lead-in Task2这个不计入分数

Listening skills Task 1.:1-5 steak eggs bacon toast sweet

weight cookies fruits strawberries fish fried noodles mushroom

Listening in > Task 1 1-5 CDDBD

Listening in > Task 2 Man选择 1234 Woman 选择 56 Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数

Listening in > Task 4 1-7 favorite McDonald's foods adding dream

come true Great choices Double Cheeseburger Pies

Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1 John选择1345 Susan选择267 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 national international national dishes foreign ones large

cities European Asian hamburgers hot dogs Paris tea coffee

milk pop children three or four hamburgers fried chicken

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 TFFTF

Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数

Unit Test 按照顺序:CDBCAC brings seldom recommended light change habits fit BCABD ACAAC ABBADCC

Course resources这个不计入分数 Unit6

Lead-in Task1从左到右Healthy living habits:

ache concern Exercising 30 minutes every day Sleeping eight hours every day Eating fish

Drinking one glass of water when waking up Taking the stairs instead of the elevator

Unhealthy living habits: Skipping breakfast

Keeping unhealthy snacks in the house Eating few fruits and vegetables Eating fast food Smoking

Lead-in Task2这个不计入分数

Listening skills Task 1.:1-5 the doctor's feelings health cold

medicine physical exercise schoolwork sleeping health a doctor outside long and healthy second-hand smoke cancer less junk food exercise enjoy risking

Listening in > Task 1 1-5 ACBBC

Listening in > Task 2 1-7 Want to sleep all day Not interested

customs body language blood pressure blood pressure some time her own culture

Listening in > Task 3 这个不计入分数

Listening in > Task 4 1-6 make an appointment checkup cancellation

3 o'clock 3:30 Thursday

Speaking out > Model 1这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 2这个不计入分数 Speaking out > Model 3这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 1 Mike 选择146 Nancy选择2357 Let's talk > Task 2这个不计入分数 Let's talk > Task 3这个不计入分数

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 1 1-5 medical service health insurance medical advice

operation outside make the arrangements medical assistance housing off campus living on campus

Further listening and speaking > Further listening > Task 2 1-5 TFFFT

Further listening and speaking > Further speaking > Task 1 这个不计入分数

Unit Test按照顺序AACDB used spicy stomachaches sick terrible well busy advice check up care something call BACCD CDABC AADDA ACAAAA

Course resources这个不计入分数



