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篇一:Christmas Gift 圣诞礼物

As the Christmas Day is coming, our class decided to send some gifts to our teachers, because we wanted to show our gratitude to them. At first, we had no idea what to buy, because we wanted to do something special. So at last an idea came to my mind. I advised to write a card, pasting some pictures of classmates on it. Everybody agreed with me, so we spent a day to take some funny pictures, and everybody wrote down their names on the card. When we sent this gift to the teachers, they loved it so much. They were so impressed by this precious surprise and would keep it forever. 圣诞节就要来了,我们班决定送老师些礼物来表达我们对他们的感激之情。起初,我们不知道要买什么,因为我们想送些特别的东西。所以最后有个想法在我脑海中出现了,我建议写张卡片,之后粘些同学的照片。每个人都同意了,所以我们花了天时间拍了些有趣的照片,每个人都在卡片写自己


篇二:Asian People Have Better IQ 亚洲人智商高

For western people, they commonly believe that Asian people are smart. In the screen, Asian people are always described as the people with higher IQ. Some media tried to figure out the reason, then they found that Asian kids worked much harder. As the stronger competition in entering a better school, parents did everything for their children, in the hope that the kids could get the higher rate to receive the best education. The Asian kids study more hours than the western kids, and the pressure helps that Asian kids to get improved at the early time. So it is natural that Asian people do much better in the exams, which makes them look smart.更多机会去获得最好的教育。亚洲的孩子也比西方孩子在学习花更多的时间。压力有助于亚洲孩子早早的就在不停进步了。所以,亚洲人在考试中考得好,也让他们看起来很聪明也是自然的。

篇三:Chinese Public Behavior 中国人的公共行为

Chinese economy develops very fast in last few decades and a lot of people get rich. In foreigners’ eyes, Chinese people are everywhere. Indeed, traveling is one of the hottest plans for Chinese people. But compared to most foreigners, our manner is always criticized. The most obvious problem is talking loudly in the public occasion. Because we get used to be a group and haven’t realized our voice disturb others. So it is in need of changing this bad habit. What’s more, many people jump the queue, which is really rude.Only when we admit our impolite acts will we do better in the future. 别人。所以需要改掉这个坏习惯。而且,许多人喜欢插队,这是极其不礼貌的。只有当我们承认我们的不恰当行为,才能在未来做得更好。

篇四:Basketball Match 篮球比赛

Since I came to middle school, I spent some time to get used to the new environment. Now I have made many friends here and I get along well with my classmates. The communication between students develops so fast must be owed to the basketball match. I joined the team and fought for my class. I practised with my

partners and during the progress, we got to know each other well and soon we became the real team. The other classmates cheered for us when we in the match. It was such a good atmosphere. The whole class became so closed at this moment. The group activity can unite people together. 团队中。当我们打比赛的时候,其他的同学在为我们加油,这是个很好的氛围。全班同学此刻的关系变得非常的亲近。团队活动可以让我们大家都团结在起。

篇五:Lost In Disneyland 迷失在迪士尼

Disneyland is favored by every child, because it is like a paradise. Children can enjoy making friends with funny cartoon characters, such as Snow White, Mickey Mouse and so on. Once, in China, there was only one Disneyland, but as the Shanghai Disneyland opened, more children can enjoy the great joy with their families. I went to visit Shanghai Disneyland last year. My parents took me there as my birthday present. I was so excited to see all kinds of funny cartoon characters, and I took a lot of pictures. I spent a day wandering around this amazing place. I just enjoyed losing myself in it. I will come back

again. 各种各样有趣的卡通人物,我很兴奋。我拍了很多照片。我在这个神奇的地方待了天。我很享受迷失在这个地方的感觉。我还会再来的。

篇六:How to Get Over Difficulty 如何克服困难

Since I went to middle school, I had told myself that I was not a little kid anymore. I needed to grow up. So the first thing is not to ask my parents for help at the first time. I should take some time to think about the difficulty and then figure out the solution. If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them. But if I can’t solve the problem, I will turn to my friends for help. They can give me some advice and I will make my own judgement. At last, the suggestion from my parents won’t be ignored. It is the most useful. ,我就会向我的朋友寻求帮助,他们可以给我建议,之后我会做出自己的判断。最后,来自父母的建议也不容忽视,因为那是最重要的。

篇七:Chinese Language Is Popular Around the World 汉语风靡全世界



