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1、总领: 元音字母音多变,熟记规律也不难。

辅音字母显易单,见面就把音来念。 字母组合固定音,千锤百炼习语感。 遇见生词找规律,划分音节顺口连。 元音字母在中间,辅音字母两边站。 字母组合算一个,熟能生巧难亦简。

2、元音字母及字母组合的发音口诀。 ? 元音字母a、o、e、i(y)、u 的发音口诀:


元音字母 发音 [ei] [a:] [?] a [?] [?:] [e] [i] 元音字母 发音 [i:] e [e] [i] [?] 元音字母 发音 [ai] i [i:] [i] [?] 单词举例 right night bike police this which his holiday 单词举例 he she we me red desk pencil pretty children 单词举例 name table father class basket map cat water America orange

元音字母 发音 [?u] [?:] 单词举例 no cold those hot sorry orange whose do today 单词举例 music use umbrella mum put full push ruler blue busy minute o [?] [u:] [?] 元音字母 发音 [ju:] [?] u [u] [u:] [i] 元音字母 y ? 常见的元音字母组合的发音:

字母组合固定音,常受影响发音变,千锤百炼习语感。 元音字母组合 ay ar 发音 [ ei] [ a:] [ ?] [ ?:] al [ a:] [ ?l] 单词举例 day say play cay star farm are dollar grammar ball all walk half shall 发音 [ai] [j] [i] 单词举例 why try yes you very boy 元音字母组合 au air ai aw 发音 [ ?:] [a:] [ε?] [ ei] [ ?:] 单词举例 doughter cause august laugh air chair hair aim rain wait draw haw saw 元音字母 ea ee ei er ear ere eir eer ey ew 发音 [ i:] [ei] [i:] [ ei] [ i:] [?:] [i?] [?:] [i?] [ε?] [i?] [i?] [ei] [ju:] [u:] 单词举例 tea meat eat great break steak see meet teeth three eight weight receive ceiling her teacher sister ear hear bear pear early earth here there their beer deer cheer they key grey new few blew 3、辅音字母及字母组合的发音口诀。

? 辅音字母发音口诀:辅音字母显易单,见面就把音来念。

辅音字母 b P m 发音 [b] [p] [m] 单词举例 blue black blow pen cap pencil map me am

辅音字母 f d t n l g k h j q x z c 发音 [f] [d] [t] [n] [?] [l] [g] [k] [h] [d?] [k] [ks] [gz] [z] [k] [s] s [z] [?] [?] v w ? 辅音字母组合发音口诀:字母组合固定音,千锤百练习语感。

辅音字母 ci , cy , ce ch tch ck 发音 [s] [t?] [k] [k] 单词举例 pencil bicycle nice child catch watch chemist headache black lock back [v] [w] 单词举例 find for fly desk day school tea top teacher no pen green look blow lunch green dog egg look lock thank he hot here Japan jam jeep quick question six box exam zoo zero size class cat coffee sir sit this his sure pleasure voice river with swim wash

辅音字母 kn ng ge , dge gh ph sh th wh wr qu ? 双写分节不分音:miss apple egg rabbit

发音 [n] [?] [d?] 不发音 [f]在词尾 [f] [?] [θ] [e] [h] [w] [r] [kw] [k] 单词举例 knife know knee sing song swing orange page bridge right night daughter laugh cough photo telephone phrase shower shall thank three tooth this the with who whose what which where wrong write quick quite cheque unique



