Task 任务:Collateral Production 制作宣传品
Code 序号:OH-SM-MC-D201
Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to fully
understand the procedures of collateral production
Standard标准:See Attached 参见附件
Resources培训器材: Whiteboard and Mark Pen. 白板和马克笔。
Method 培训方式 Training Steps 培训步骤 Time 时间 Circulate Rack Brochure 传阅宣传品 Group Discussion 小组讨论 Rack Brochure is a powerful tool for salesperson to sell hotel facility and service. And the collateral production involves concerted effort throughout the Sales & Marketing department and Purchasing Dept. 宣传册是我们的销售人员推销饭店服务设施时强有力的工具。制作宣传品时涉及到整个营业部的参与和采购部的协助。 Ask trainee to study brochure and tell what specifications and standards that it indicates? 要求学员研究宣传册并说出册子上体现了什么样的具体标准和规格。 a. Logo - corporate and property logo b. Tagline –Home to a Certain World? c. House color d. Tagline Translation e. Font of logo, tagline and its translation ------------------------------------------- a. 标识 - 集团和饭店的标识 b. 口号 - Who's Taking Care of You? c. 饭店用色标 d. 口号的翻译 – 您的世外之家? e. 标识、口号及翻译的字体 The collateral will also carry a code indicating the date of production and MC manager's name. 宣传册上还会带有一个代码,表明制作的时间和公关部经理的XX。 Go through procedures 1 - 4. 详细讲解程序的第1至4条。 Because it involves payment, we need to raise Purchasing request. And if not familiar with supplier qualification, it is remended that we get Purchasing associate to evaluate. 由于制作宣传品与付款有关,我们需要提交采购单。但是如果不熟悉供应商的资信度,可以让采购部员工一同来评估。 Go through procedures 5 - 10. 详细讲解程序的第5至10条。 For the sake of easy reference, a code is to be assigned to the collateral, like everybody has his own ID code. 为了便于查找,我们要给宣传品分配一个代码,就象每个人都有一个身分证一样。 a. Month and Year of print b. Collateral Type c. Quantity d. Initial of Mar Manager's name ------------------------------------------------------- a. 印刷的年月 b. 宣传品的类型 c. 数量 d. 公关部经理的XX缩写 5 min 5 分钟 15 min 15 分钟 12 min 12 分钟 15 min 15 分钟 10 min Question: What are the major factors to be considered in collateral production? 在制作宣传品时要着重考虑的要素有哪些? Summary with emphasis on review of brochure specifications. 总结时将重点放在宣传品的规格标准上。 10 分钟 10 min 10 分钟 3 / 3