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Reference for Teaching


1.The Stillwater Secret

The truth

He was standing next to the statue again.He looked annoyed. “I...I got lost,”I said.“Who are you?”

He answered in a voice that was cold and hard.“My name is Edward Stark,”he said. “Why are you here?”I asked.

He took some moments to answer.“I just...come here,”he said at last.“Maybe it’s because he’s here.”He looked up at the statue.“Perhaps when he goes...I don’t know.”

Was I imagining it,or did the ground move under my feet?

“George Blackwood and my father were business partners,”he went on.“But Blackwood ripped him off.”He laughed bitterly—a laugh which made my blood run cold.“People in the town thought George was a real golden boy,and they even made him mayor.Then five years ago,he tried to cheat somebody else,and they started to look at all the businesses that he had had a hand in.They discovered that he’d been a thief for years.”The boy frowned,and looked away.“But she suspected something.She knew.”

“She?”I said.

“His daughter,Betty,”said Edward Stark.“I loved Betty,and we even talked about getting married.Then my father discovered that Blackwood had cheated him out of nearly half a million dollars!He nearly went out of his mind with worry,trying to prove it.But he failed.Then soon after,he had a heart attack while he was driving his car.The car crashed,and he and his passager were both killed.It was Blackwood who killed my father—murderer!”

“Who...was the passenger?”I asked.But I knew the answer. “I was,”he said.

“You’re dead,”I said.I’m talking to a ghost,I thought.

He laughed.“Dead?Yes,I guess I am.And you’re the first person who has ever been able to see me.”

“I’m Betty’s daughter,”I said.

“Ah!I see,”he said.There was a far-away look in his eyes. “I loved Betty very much.” “When did you...?”I began.

“Die?”he said.“December 1st,1975.”

Two days before The Big Argument!I thought.Two days before my mother left Stillwater. Suddenly,the path moved under my feet.The statue began to shake. “It’s another slide!”cried Edward.“The chiff’s going!” 2.The Stillwater Secret A narrow escape

I fell on to my knees and desperately tried to grab hold of something—anything! “Help me!”I screamed.I was slipping downwards with the ground.

I could see Edward’s face above me—and behind him the statue was starting to fall! “Here!Grab my hand!”Edward shouted.But his voice seemed far away. I put out a hand...and held something.A moment later it was pulling me up.



Then suddenly the statue came crashing down past me,less than half a metre away.It was a very narrow escape.

I looked at my hand.I was holding on to a tree.

There was a light above me.“Somebody’s down there!”shouted a man. “Where?”shouted another man. “In the tree!Look!”

A minute later,a rope was thrown down to me.

“Can you get a hand on it?”shouted one of the men.“Put your foot in the rope,then we can pull you up.”

I tried to stop shaking,put out a hand and held the rope.Then I managed to climb on to it. “Hold on!”Came a shout.

Slowly,the two men pulled me up the side of the cliff.When I got to the top,I saw that they were policemen.

“Are you OK?” one of them asked.

“Yes,”I said,although I was actually scared stiff.

“We were driving out along the cliff road,”he said,helping me across to the police car.“We heard the cliff go.Were you alone down there?”

“No...yes...I mean...”I sat in the car and tried to stop shaking.One of them put a coat over my shoulders.

“What’s wrong?”he asked.

“The eyes...”I began,but then I stopped.How could I explain?I could still see the statue in my head—the bearded face,the eyes.The eyes had looked at me,I was sure of it.And the eyes were alive—I would swear to it!

“What were you doing down there?”the same policeman was asking me. “Learning the truth,”I said after a moment.“Learning about hatred.” Discovering the Stillwater secret,I thought. Ⅱ.知识归纳

1.情态动词+have done的用法

(1)“must +have+过去分词”表示对过去发生的行为的推测,意思是“一定,准是”,只用于肯定句。

The streets are wet;it must have rained. 街道是湿的,准是下雨了。

说明:若要表示否定,则要用“can’t或couldn’t+have+过去分词”这一形式,意思是“不可能”。 The light is still on;she can’t have gone to sleep. 灯还亮着,她不可能睡着了。

(2)“may (might)+have+过去分词”表示对过去发生的行为的推测,一般只用于肯定句或否定句中(疑问句中用can或could),含有“想必,也许,可能已经……”等意思,其否定形式有“可能不会”之意。

The children may have gone to bed. 孩子们可能已经上床睡觉了。

They might not have settled the problem. 他们可能尚未解决那个问题。

说明:may和might含义基本相同,might所表示的可能性比may弱,语气也更加委婉。 (3)“should+have+过去分词”表示过去该做而实际上未做的事,意思是“本应该”,它的否定式



表示不应该发生却发生了的行为,意思是“本不应该”。 He should have handed in homework yesterday. 他本应该昨天就交作业的。

(4)“ought to+have+过去分词”,表示过去“早应该、本当”之意,语气较强,常含有“责备、不赞成”的口气。

We ought to have given her more help. 我们本应该给她更多的帮助。(实际上没做到)

(5)“should+have 过去分词”还能表示“可能、揣想、推断”,常译成“应该已经,可能已经”。

He should have done it already. 他应该已经做完了。


Can she have done the exercises? 她会做完练习吗?

(7)“needn’t+have+过去分词”表示本来不必做某事而实际上已经做了。 You needn’t have waited for me. 你们本来不必等我的。(但实际上等了) 2.trouble短语归纳

(1)get into trouble惹上麻烦(如因犯错所致) Even an experienced climber can get into trouble. 哪怕是个有经验的登山者也能陷入困境。 (2)get sb.into trouble给某人惹上麻烦

Don’t mention my name or you’ll get me into trouble. 别提我的名字,免得给我惹麻烦。

(3)go to trouble to do something不辞劳苦、不怕费事做某事

Thank you for going to so much trouble to find what I was looking for. 多谢你这么费心找到了我要找的东西。

(4)be in trouble在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中 If they can’t keep to the schedule,they’ll be in trouble. 他们不按时完成计划就要倒大霉了。 (5)make trouble (for sb.)制造麻烦,捣乱

If I say no,the boss will only make trouble for me. 我要说个“不”字,老板准跟我过不去。

(6)take the trouble to do sth.不怕费事或困难尽力做某事 Decent journalists should take the trouble to check their facts. 责任心强的新闻工作者应该不厌其烦地核实报道内容。 Ⅲ.词语辨析


(1)ashamed “感到羞耻、觉得惭愧、不好意思”,表示主语主观认为是可耻的,be ashamed of doing sth.,be ashamed of oneself for doing sth.指因为做了某事而觉得羞愧。如果用be ashamed to do sth..则可理解为“觉得可耻而不愿做某事”或“因做了某事而觉得可耻”。 He was ashamed of being unable to solve the problem. 他因为解决不了那个问题而感到羞愧。




