描写小动物的英语作文 描写小动物的英语作文:
I have too many small animals, are: the kitten. Birds. Over the mountains carp. ShanGui. Chicken. Chickens, they are
Very interesting. One of the most interesting is the most unforgettable is that little dog.
Whenever I think of that,
The scene appeared in front of my eyes.
At that time I also really stupid enough to know the dog to bite but I did To the little dog won't bite in it to sleep when I use hand to touch his nose, it's just shook his head, to
Later, I have been so touch the little dog, the dog and shook his head, slowly after many attempts to my courage
Big up, when I can't see the sight of the dog, and has forgotten the dog will bite this matter, also forget
The puppies have sharp claws and sharp teeth and long. The dog how to me is not terrible, more instead
The more interesting to. Lovely. I'm bold enough to a certain extent, should dare to touch it when it is not sleeping in the nose
And play with it. It's just, \Woof.\
Like a cat called fun for me. But on one occasion, I put his hand on its back, it didn't like to
Will be turned to bite me, pain I. Ten minutes later my mother took me to play the \
And told me: \ This should be a little stupid by revenge.
我养过许许多多的小动物,有:小猫.小鸟.过山鲫.山龟.斗鸡.小鸡,它们都 很有趣。其中最有趣也令人最难忘的就是养小狗的那次。 每当想起那件事,
想那条小狗不会咬人在它睡觉的时候我用手去碰它的鼻子,它只是摇了摇头,以 后,我就一直这样碰那条小狗,小狗还是摇了摇头,经过多次尝试我的`胆子慢慢 地大起来,见到那只狗就当没看到,而且竟忘记了小狗会咬人这一回事,还忘记 了小狗拥有锋利的爪子与尖而长的牙齿。狗对我来说已经不怎么可怕了,反而越 来越有趣.可爱了。我的胆子大到一定程度后,竟然敢在它没睡着的时候碰它的鼻 子和玩弄它。它只是:“汪.汪.汪.汪.汪.汪.汪.汪。”的叫了几声。它现在的叫声 对我来说就像猫叫一样好玩。但是有一次,我把手放在它的背上,没像到它竟然 会转过身来咬我一口,痛得我直叫。十分钟以后妈妈带我去打了“破伤风”针, 并告诉我:“以后不许再养小动物了。” 这应该是小愚蠢受小报复吧。