---What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么?
---I am in the mood for Wonton. 我想吃馄饨。
注意:in the mood for 表示“有情绪去做”;in no mood for 表示“没有心情”
E.g I’m not in the mood for joking./I’m in no mood for joking. 我没闲心开玩笑。
用英语去评论一道菜或者这食物做得怎么样时,可以用下面的表达: ---How is the bacon? 这块培根怎么样?
---The chewiness of the bacon is nice. 这块培根的嚼劲很足。
The soup was watery. 这汤太稀了。
This dish is delicious. 这道菜很美味。
The texture and flavor are out of this world. 口感和口味无比伦比。
The noodles is overcooked. 这份面条煮太久了。 The food is too sour. 这份食物太酸了。
I think it is too spicy. 我觉得它太辣了。
相关词汇:watery 稀的;texture 口感,质地;flavor 口味,香料;sour 酸的;spicy 辛辣的,有刺激性的;overcook 烹饪过度,烹饪过分
一分熟 rare 牛排内部为血红色
三分熟 medium rare 牛排的内部为桃红色 五分熟 medium 牛排内部为粉红色 七分熟 medium well 牛排内部为棕褐色 全熟 well done 牛排内部为褐色
作名词,运动;运动会;游戏;娱乐 作动词,游戏;夸耀;参加体育运动
A major sporting even will take place in this city. 一场重大的体育赛事将在这座城市举行。 What kind of sports do you like? 你喜欢哪种运动?
Do you do sports regularly? 你常做运动吗? 常见短语:
Competitive sport 竞技性运动;竞赛体育运动 Sporting goods 体育用品 Sport shirt 运动衫
Field sport 野外运动;户外运动 Sport suit 运动服
ATHLETICS(运动员 athlete) 作名词,竞技;田径运动;体育运动 常见短语:
An athletics meeting 运动会 Track and field athletic 田径运动
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.
凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。 in possession of 有“拥有、占有”的意思
E.g That’s probably why you’re in possession of this audible book now.
这可能就是为什么你现在拥有这本有声书的原因。 in want of 有“需要,缺少”的意思
E.g A bit tougher than I’d like, and in want of spicing, but I’ll not complain too loudly.
Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable. 爱情至关重要,金钱同样必不可少。 Indispensable “必不可少的”
E.g The library is an indispensable part of everybody’s life. 图书馆是每个人生活中不可缺少的一部分。
Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.
relate to 有“涉及,有关”的意思
She is related to me by marriage. 她和我有姻亲关系。
Misery can be caused by someone being just weak and indecisive.
一个人仅仅因为软弱无能或优柔寡断就完全招致痛苦。 misery “痛苦;痛苦的事;常发牢*的人”
misery 着重痛苦的可悲状态,多含不幸、可怜或悲哀的意味。
Pretend modest often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.
假装谦虚往往就是信口开河,有时候简直是拐弯抹角的自夸。 nonsense “胡说八道” boast “自夸,自吹自擂” E.g It is nothing to boast of. 这没什么可夸耀的。