Adiabatic Passage of Collective Excitations in
Atomic Ensembles
LI Yong;MIAO Yuan-Xiu;SUN Chang-Pu
【期刊名称】《理论物理通讯(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(042)007
【摘要】We describe a theoretical scheme that allows for transfer of quantum states of atomic collective excitation between two macroscopic atomic ensembles localized in two spatially-separated domains. The conception is based on the occurrence of double-exciton dark states due to the collective destructive quantum interference of the emissions from the two atomic ensembles. With an adiabatically coherence manipulation for the atom-field couplings by stimulated Ramann scattering, the dark states will extrapolate from an exciton state of an ensemble to that of another. This realizes the transport of quantum information among atomic ensembles. 【总页数】6页(27-32)
【关键词】quantum information;atomic ensemble;double-exciton dark state
【作者】LI Yong;MIAO Yuan-Xiu;SUN Chang-Pu
【作者单位】Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China;Institute of Theoretical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China;Institute of
Adiabatic Passage of Collective Excitations in Atomic Ensembles