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英语演讲与辩论 试卷1

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班 级 姓 名 学 号 时 间 燕山大学试卷 密 封 线 共 页 第 页

题号 分数 总分 2020年春季学期《英语演讲与辩论》期末考试 Part I Writing (20 points, 30 minutes) In this part, you are going to write a draft for a persuasive speech, based on the topic “Is the media responsible for the moral degradation(道德水平下降) of teenagers?” You should determine your own opinion and develop it into a persuasive speech. Pay special attention to the introduction and conclusion, the strategic order of organization, and the supporting materials. You should write at least 300 words. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

燕山大学试卷 密 封 线 共 页 第 页

燕山大学试卷 密 封 线 共 页 第 页

Part II Speech Analysis (2’*5=10 points, 30 minutes) Directions: In this part, you are going to analyze the following informative speech which aims to inform the audience about chili peppers and to answer a series of questions about it. In analyzing the speech, you should draw upon any appropriate materials read or discussed in your class this term. In analyzing the speech, you should draw upon any appropriate materials read or discussed in your class this term. Answer all the questions about the speech clearly, concisely, and in full sentences. Your answers should be precise, specific, and supported with appropriate quotations from the speech. The Hidden World of Chili Peppers Para 1 Imagine your mouth burning like wildfire, your eyes squirting out uncontrollable tears, and your face red and sweating profusely. Are you sick? No, you just took a bite of a screaming hot chili pepper. Congratulations. You’re partaking in a worldwide tradition that has been spicing up lives and diets for thousands of years Para 2 My own desire for spicy meals led me to investigate why I get red in the face and salivate over the mere thought of eating a spicy chili. In the process, I’ve discovered there’s a lot more to chili peppers than I’d ever imagined. Today I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned about the history of chili peppers, why they can be so spicy, what to do if you eat a too- hot pepper, and some of the ways peppers are used other than in foods. Para 3 The chili pepper has a long and fascinating history. Its scientific name is Capsicum. This is different from the common black pepper you have on your dining room table, whose scientific name is Piper nigrum. Black pepper was first cultivated in Asia and was prized in the West as early as the Roman Empire. In contrast, the chili pepper originated more than 5,000 years ago in Soul America, near what is today Bolivia and Brazil. Over time, it spread to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Para 4 But it wasn’t until Columbus came in the 1490s that the chili pepper became known to the rest of the world. As stated in the Cambridge World History of Food, within fifty years after Columbus returned to Spain with sample plants, chili peppers could be found growing in coastal areas from Africa to Asia. From there, they spread inland, until they took hold of the taste buds of people around the globe. Today they’re most widely used in Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, Asia, the Balkans, and the United States. Carolyn Dille and Susan Belsinger, authors of The Chili Pepper Book, estimate that 25 percent of the world's adult population uses chili peppers as a part of their daily diet. Para 5 Now that we know a little bit about the history of chili peppers, let's see why they can put such a fire in our belly. The pleasure and pain involved in eating chili peppers comes from a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is concentrated in the peppers veins and seeds, pictured here. To enjoy the flavor of a chill pepper without burning your stomach or mouth, avoid the veins and seeds when cooking or eating them. Para 6 P. W. Bosland tells us in the book Spices Herbs, and Edible Fungi that chili pepper intensity is measured in two ways. The first was developed by Wilbur L. Scoville in 1912. This method uses trained testers to measure chili peppers in Scoville Heat Units. These range from zero to 300,000. According to Bosland, this test is subjective because it relies on the individual tester’s sensitivity to capsaicin Para 7 The second, more widely used test is called the High Performance Liquid Chromatography test, more commonly known as HPLC. This is also measured in Scoville Heat Units, but it's more objective. The chili pods are dried and ground, and then the chemicals responsible for the heat are analyzed and rated according to pungency. Para 8 The hottest pepper on record is the deceptively small and unimposing orange habanero pepper. It's been rated as high as 300,000 Scoville Heat Units, and it's so powerful that some people have an allergic reaction just by touching it, which is why I'm holding it by the stem. The mildest pepper is the standard green bell, which you see at the grocery store every day. It's been rated at zero Scoville Heat Units. Para 9 If you eat an orange habanero pepper, it's important to know how to deal with the burning Sensation. Whatever you do, do not rinse your mouth with water. Dave Dewitt, in The Chili Pepper Encyclopedia, tells us capsaicin is not soluble in water. And even if you drink a gallon water, it's not going to help. According to the Chili Pepper Institute at New Mexico State University, the best solution is to consume a dairy product such as milk or yogurt, which contains a substance that strips away capsaicin from the interior cells or your mouth. This is why some hot foods, like Indian foods, are served with yogurt Sauce. Para 10 If you burn your skin, the institute recommends cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol and then soaking it with milk. Above all, remember two things: First, always wear gloves when you cut a hot pepper such as a habanero. Second, never rub your eyes when working with hot chili peppers. Para 11 Although chili peppers are prized above all for the flavor they add to food, they have other benefits as well. Pepper sprays have become a standard weapon for the personal protection of individuals and law-enforcement agencies. The New York Times reports that sales of pepper sprays have risen steadily and show no sign of slowing. Para 12 Chili peppers are also valued for their medicinal properties. According to Jack Challem, author of The Nutrition Reporter, there have been more than 1, 300 medical studies on capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers. Moderate doses have been proved to aid digestion, reduce hypertension, by Professor Kenji Okajima improve circulation, and help dissolve blood clots. Preliminary research at Japan’s Kumamato University School of Medicine suggests that a combination of chili peppers and soybeans can promote hair growth and might hold promise as a cure for baldness. Para 13 In closing, it’s difficult to imagine our lives without the spice added by chili peppers. From their origins in South America to their current popularity around the world, peppers have been used not only to flavor our food but also to improve our health and personal safety. While it remains to be seen whether or not chill peppers can actually cure baldness, we can be sure this ancient plant will continue to find new uses in our modern age.

英语演讲与辩论 试卷1


