【期刊名称】《中国病案》 【年(卷),期】2012(013)004
【摘要】目的 在临床老年护理教学中引入体验式学习模式,研究此模式对护理专业学生学习专业课的影响.方法 选取2007级一个班30人为对照组班,2008级一个班30人为实验班,分别采用传统式与体验式学习进行对照教学,课程结束时进行考试,并在实习结束时向实验班学生发放调查问卷.结果 实验组教学方法理论考试成绩明显优于传统式教学方法(P<0.001),对学生调查问卷结果显示,赞同用此教学方法的占97%,认为与传统方法学习相比可以提高学习效果的学生占86%,同时77%的学生会认为此方法可帮助提高与人交往沟通的能力,67%的学生认为可提高自己的分析解决问题的能力.结论 体验式学习有助于护生对老年护理课程的学习,可提高学生学习兴趣,锻炼学生与人的沟通表达能力,培养观察、鉴别问题的能力,有助于提高教学质量.%Objective To investigate the effects on the m odel for nursing interns to learn m aj>r courses by introducing experience-based learning model into teaching in aged care . M eihods One class (30 people) from 2007s grade was selected as control group , and anoiher class (30 people) from 2008s grade was selected as experim ental group . The tradition-based and experience-based learning were adopted in the groups m entbned above , respectively , w hich token part in exam at the end of courses. Q uestbnnaires w ere carried out in experim entol group at the end of practice . R esults T he theory test