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考研英语翻译部分在试题中分值占10%,建议同学们还是要重视起来,为自己争取更多的分数。小编考研为大家搜集了有关社会生活、科普知识、文化教育等方面的相关句子,以此拓展大家的视野。一起来学习吧! 本期主题【九年义务教育】
Since the foundation of the People s Republic ofChina, the government has
been devoted topopularizing the nine-year compulsory education withthe aim to
improve the national qualily. The nine-year compulsory education refers to nine
years ofeducation in primary and junior secondary schools. In 1986,China
formulated CompulsoryEducation Law of the People s Republic of China, which
indicated that the compulsory educationsystem was legally established. Since
then, the nine-year compulsory education had madesignificant progress. According
to the statistics in 2002, the enrollment rate of primary school-aged children
reached 98.6%. In 2006, the enacting of a new compulsory education law helpedthe
compulsory education make great strides to quality-oriented education and free
education,promoting the education in China into a new stage of development. 参考翻译:
Education Law of the People s Republicof