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Title: On the Difference between Chinese and Western Wine Culture 题目: 题目 浅析中西方酒文化差异 浅析中西方酒文化差异

二级学院: 二级学院: 专 班 姓 学 业: 级: 名: 号: 英语学院 英语

授课教师: 授课教师: 教师 成 绩:

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) 目录 目录

目录 …… i 摘 要 …… I Abstract …… II 1 Introduction…… 1 2 Different Origins of Wine…… 2 2.1 The Origin of Wine in China …… 2 2.2 The Origin of Wine in The West …… 2 2.3 Brief Summary…… 2 3 Different Preferences of Wine…… 3 4 Differences of Drinking Vessels …… 4 5 Drinking Etiquette …… 5 6 Spirit Connotation of Wine …… 6 6.1 Wine is Their Emotional Sustenance …… 6 6.2 Wine is Their Way of Reclusiveness …… 7 6.3 Wine Has Secular Utilitarian Utility …… 7 6.4 Brief Summary…… 7 7 Conclusion …… 8 Bibliography …… 9 i

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) 摘要 摘 要

随着中西方交流的扩大,中西文化之间的差异也越来越受到重视,酒文化的差 异也当然是其中之一。酒被认为是酒神赐予人们的礼物, 酒文化源远流长,酒在 人们日常的交际生活中起着重要作用,它融会贯通了人们生活和人际交往的各个方 面。而酒作为一个既传承历史又通向未来的道具是一个值得我们认真研究的课题。 而由于生活环境、历史背景传统习俗、价值观念、思维模式、社会规范以及文化底 蕴的不同,酒文化作为一种深刻的文化现象,也在中西方各个国家、各个地区有着 各不相同的内涵,呈现出风格迥异的特性。本文是在经过大量资料收集和阅读之后 进行的分析总结,主要论述的是中西方酒文化之间的差异。中西方的酒文化同中有 异、异中有同,内容丰富,了解不同民族的酒文化,有助于人们成功地进行跨文化交 际,同时也加深了对历史文化的了解。

关键词: 关键词:酒文化;跨文化交际;文化差异 I

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) Abstract Abstract

With the expansion of communication between China and western countries and the globalization of the world nowadays, the differences between Chinese and western cultures have been attracted much more attention, for instance, the differences of wine culture is one of which focused as an issue. The wine is considered as the gift given by the god of wine. Wine culture has a long history and wine plays an important role in people’s daily life, and it combines people’s lives and interpersonal communication in all aspects. On the other hand, as a linker of inheriting history and leading to the future, wine is an article that deserves our earnest study. Because

of the differences of living environment, historical background traditions, values and thinking mode, social norms and culture, wine culture has a different connotation in different countries and regions and shows the characteristics of disparate style as a kind of profound cultural phenomenon. This article is an analysis performed after a lot of data collection and reading, which mainly describes the differences of wine culture between China and western countries. According to the research, the wine culture between China and western countries is very special, which has similarities in their differences and differences in their similarities. The study presents that the content of the wine culture is really rich and complex. Therefore, for the sake of the successful intercultural communication among different nations and regions, having a good knowledge of wine culture is necessary. What’s more, it can deepen people’s understanding of their own history.

Key words: Wine Culture; Intercultural Communication; Cultural Differences II

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) Introduction 1 Introduction

The wine as an objective substance in the world is in the shape of water but it has the character of fire. Since the wine comes into being, it contributes to a rich cultural connotation of human social life. The Chinese traditional view which proposal that people should cultivate one’s morality and care about the good and evil human nature is also reflect on the words making, which is from an ancient book named Shuo wen jie zi (speak the language and explain the words). It will brighten the bright and fool the fool. According to the history, drinking is such a common thing that the emperors, the heroes, the liberators, the ordinary people, the beggars are all like and want it. Undoubtedly, the wine can be said as a riddle. People no matter in China or in western countries all have the habit of drinking wine. They regard drinking wine as an indispensable part of life. The formation way of wine culture is different in different countries. In China, the word for alcohol \” is used to refer to all types of alcoholic beverages. Since long time ago China had have the stories about Du Kang who invented the method of brewing wine. In English, there are many words can be used to refer to “jiu”, for example, alcohol, drink, liquor, spirits and wine are all refer to “jiu”. The wine culture was gradually formed after the appearing of wine. Someone has said that the wine culture referred to the integration of material, technical, spiritual, custom, psychological, and behavior phenomenon which generated around the center. No matter the eastern or western people, when they face the busy and helpless life and exclaim life is too short and changeable, they think only wine can help them escape from suffering and their weak human nature can be released. In order to push the development of wine culture we should do our utmost to promote the international communication of the wine culture. 1

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) Different Origins of Wine

2 Different Origins of Wine

2.1 The Origin of Wine in China About the origin of wine, Chinese claims that wine is brewed with many kinds of technology by people, while the westerners think wine is originally created by god. In Chinese history, it is of long standing, and the old sayings about the born of wine are a lot. However, generally speaking, people prefer to consider the saying of Du Kang brewing wine is correct. It is said that Du Kang was a shepherd, when he was in grazing; he lost a vessel made from bamboo that contained millet congee. Several days after, he got it back and he found the millet congee fermented into tangy mellow nectar. From then on, Du Kang abandoned grazing and started to make and sell wine. As a consequence, Du Kang became the famous sage of wine. Then, Du Kang not only referred to the person’s name, but also the wine’s name. Therefore, Du Kang became the forefather of wine—making. 2.2 The Origin of Wine in The West There are also a lot of origins in the west, but mostly thought that wine is created by god, and it is the gift for human given by god. The ancient Egyptian think wine is made by Osiris who protects the dead, and Greece people think wine is brought by the god of wine named Dionysus, it is not only the gift given by the god of wine, but also the symbol of people’s harvest. According to the legend, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and the princess of Thebes named Himmler. He grew up in Asia Minor Thrace and Greece, and taught people growing grapes and the technology of making wine everywhere. Then the wine became gradually prevailing in Europe. The god of wine with his followers strolls here and there, so where they wandered where had the fragrance of wine. 2.3 Brief Summary In contrast, although Chinese has the words such as \drinkers or the laudatory names of the drinkers. Both of them have nothing to do with myth, and of course they are different with Dionysus in the western culture. In the current cross-cultural communication, it is need to be distinguished. And beyond the myth, archaeological studies showed that in the late neolithic, Eastern Asia and China (Yellow River basin and Yangtze River basin) and Western Asia and North Africa (two river basins and the Nile river basin) had begun farming revolution. While in the early stages of the impergium, the ancients of the east and the west almost simultaneously began artificially wine-making in the progress of planting crops. 2

浙江越秀外国语学院课程论文(学术论文写作) Different Preferences of Wine 3 Different Preferences of Wine

In Chinese traditional views, people prefer to choose food as raw material to make white and yellow wine as drinks in formal occasions. For example, when the Chinese government fetes the foreign guests, the flagship drinks is the top-grade white wine such as Chinese Maotai and Wuliangye Yibin. in recent years, beer are more and more important in the Chinese market, and people always choose beer to adjust atmosphere in the parties, but in the formal occasions, people will make the same choice of white wine to performance this function. For instance, in the wedding day, in order to adapt to the needs of different groups, the tables seat by the guests usually have white wine, beer and drinks; while the toast wine used by the new couple is always white



