Chapter 3 Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints
1. In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible for
an organization 's success or failure. 2. The current dominant assumption in management theory suggests that managers are omnipotent. 3. The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent with the stereotypical picture of
the take-charge business executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the org anization 's objectives. 4. The symbolic view of management impact is useful in explaining the high turnover among college and professional sports coaches, who can be considered the “managers” of their teams. 5. In the omnipotent view of management, much of an organization 's success or
failure is due to forces outside management
's control.
6. In the symbolic view of management, it is unreasonable to expect managers to have
a significant effect on the organization 's performance. 7. In the omnipotent view of management, a
manager's role is to create
meaning out of randomness, confusion, and ambiguity.
8. An organizational culture refers to a system of shared meaning.
9. Organizational cultures influence how employees behave in an organization. 10.Organizational culture is a perception, not reality.
11.Presently, there is no method for analyzing or assessing organizational culture.
12.Str ong
13.An increasing body of evidenee suggests that strong cultures associated with
high orga ni zati onal performa nee. 14.Compensation structures are considered to be a primary dimension of
orga ni zati onal culture. 15.Most orga ni zatio ns have very weak
16. An orga ni zatio n ' s foun der has little in flue nee its culture. on
17.Rituals are repetitive sequences of activities rein force the key values of an orga ni zati on.
18.Orga ni zati onal stories typically contain sig nifica nt eve nts or people.
19.Employee stock options are one example of might represe nt orga ni zati onal culture.
20.The link betwee n values and man agerial straightforward.
cultures have more in flue nee
on employees tha n do weak
that express and
arrative material
regard ing symbol that
behavior is fairly
21.A strong ethical culture is likely to have a powerful positive
in flue nee on employee behavior.
22丄ow risk tolera nee gen erally leads to high ethical sta ndards within an orga ni zati
on. 23. Companies that allow their employees freedom tend to encourage inno vative
24. To encourage a customer-responsive
culture, organizations should formalize and enforce strict customer service policies.
25. Customer service employees tend to provide better customer service whe n they are
very clear about their employee roles.
26. To in crease customer resp on sive ness,
employees who are outgo ing and frie ndly.
orga ni zati ons should hire
27. The part of the environment directly related to achievement of an organization ' s
goals is the specific environment. 28. The general environment refers to environmental
in side an orga ni zati on.
29. E nvir onmen tal un certa inty can be divided into two dime nsions: degree
of trust and degree of in tegrati on. 30. Because certainty is a threat to an organization ' s effectiveness,
managers try to minimize it. 31. The term suppliers in cludes providers of finan cial and labor in puts. 32. Industry conditions
en vir onment.
are an example of an organization ' s general
33. Economic conditions are part of the
en vir onment.
For each of the followi ng choose the an swer that
the questi on.
organization ' s specific
most completely an swers
34. Which of the followi ng represe nt the two views of man agerial impact
on the success or failure of the orga ni zati on? a. omnipotent and symbolic b. omnipotent and reflective c. symbolic and in teractive d. reflective and in teractive 35. The omn ipote nt view of man ageme nt states that ____________ .
a. the top manager is the only person in charge b. managers are directly responsible for an organization ' s success
or failure
c. that there is only one boss in the organization, and she or he is resp on sible for
delegati ng orders
d. managers have little or no responsibility for an organization ' s
success or failure 36. ______________ The view of management is ________________ consistent with the
stereotypical picture of the take-charge bus in ess executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying out the organization ' s objectives. a. omnipotent b. symbolic c. functional d. systems most accurately reflects the symbolic 37.Which of the following
view of man ageme nt?
responsible for an organization ' s success or no a. Managers are directly
or failure.
responsibility for an organization ' s b. Managers have little
success or failure.
directly responsible for an organization ' s c. External forces are
success or failure.
d. Employees are directly responsible for an organizati or failure. on' s success 38. Internal constraints that restrict a manager s decision
a. b. c. d. 39.
a. b. c. d.
exist within every organization
do not exist, as all managers have decision-making discretion exist only to the extent that upper management imposes them exist only to the extent that followers won ' t do as they are told
The current dominant assumption in
management theory suggests
a balaneed view of managers as symbolic and omnipotent an emphasis on the view that managers are symbolic an emphasis on the view that managers are omnipotent that both the symbolic and omnipotent views are obsolete
4O.According to the symbolic view, managers have a(n) ________________
effect on substa ntive orga ni zati onal outcomes.
a. b. c. d. neutral controlling limited unlimited
41. Managers may be able to expand their areas of discretion by
a. telling their employees what to do b. cha nging and in flue ncing their orga ni zati on ' s culture
en vir onment
c. electing new government officials at the federal and state level d. changing employers and working for a different boss
42. The symbolic view of man ageme nt is based upon the belief that
man agers symbolize ________ . a. con trol and in flue nee b. ambiguity and confusion c. stakeholders ' interests
d. decisions of top management
43.ln reality, man agers are most accurately viewed as ________ .
a. dominant over an organization ' s environment b. neither helpless nor all powerful
c. powerless to in flue nee an orga ni zati on ' s performa nee d. ultimately responsible for organizational outcomes
44. ____________________________________________________ The culture of an orga ni zati on is an alogous to the ___________________________ of
an in dividual. a. skills
b. personality c. motivation d. ability