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In Spain men and women greet others with two kisses, delivered from left to right, often taking hold of a shoulder while doing so. Shaking hands isn

' t something the Spanish

are kee n on - “ you might bee on tagious! ”

在西班牙无论男士还是女士,他们均以两个吻互相问候 ( 先亲吻左 脸,而后亲右脸 ) ,且行亲吻礼时通常会扶住对方的肩膀。握手在西班 牙却并不盛行——因为你可能带感染性病毒 !

The weather and f u tbol are considered small talk staples, but I found the most eommon intro when unexpeetedly encountering an acquaintance in the street was, a d

launches one into moderately more purposeful small talk.

天气与足球被认为是西班牙的典型的闲谈话题,不过我发现当人 们在大街上与熟人不期而遇时,西班牙人最常用的介绍语却是 a do nde vas?(你去哪呀?)这个异常简明又略带质询语气的开场白使人们展开目 的性较之稍强的闲聊。


“Ciao” reigns supreme in Italy. Regardless whether you meet someone during the day, night, or whether you hello or goodbye (one-word-fluency!). [/cn]


[en]If you 're a creature of habit, stick to holidays in Bulgaria - they also kiss from left to right, although they

're saying

o nde vas?

- where are you going? An achingly simple, slightly interrogatory opener that

have the odd custom of using different languages for simple exchanges; the Italian ciao to say goodbye and the French merci for thank you, for example.

如果你属于循规蹈矩之人,一定要去保加利亚度假,因为他们也 从左至右行亲吻礼。不过他们有个奇怪的习俗——在简单的交流中使 用不同语种,像是道别时说意大利语 ciao ,致谢时用法语 merci 。


Greetings often depend on where exactly you are in Germany. In the north you ' ll be greeted with amoin moin while in the south you may be on the receiving end of a servus. A hallo or a guten Tag will get you started everywhere, however.

在德国,人们之间的问候通常取决于你具体所处的方位。你若在 德国北部,那么就会用 amoin moin 与人问候 ; 如若你在德国南部,那 就可能会听到 servus 这样的问候。不过无论你在德国哪儿,都能以 hallo 或 guten Tag 问候他人。

Young people often greet one another with a hug, but in large groups a simple nod of the head and a hallo zusammen (hello together) suffices. Interestingly, greetings remain stubbornly conventional within traditional companies with employees greeting one another formally with a firm shake of the hand and addressing one another by title and surname; guten Tag Herr Wowereit.

德国的年轻人经常拥抱对方聊表问候,但是在人数众多的场合中, 简单地点头示意,并说上一句 hallo zusammen( 大家好 ) 就充足了。有 趣的是,传统德国公司员工间的问候方式仍沿袭传统,相当正式。他 们会有力地握握手,并以职位和姓氏互相称呼,例如 guten Tag Herr Wowereit 。


In Austria one greets with a servus, and they ' re very

attentive to titles (so pay attention, Doctor Doe). Women often say hello with two kisses, one on each cheek and always starting on the right and then

moving to the left (they border Italy, after all). Men will normally shake hands.

奥地利人用 servus 互相打招呼,他们尤为注重职称,所以称呼 Doctor Doe 的时候注意他的职位。女士通常以两个吻问好,每个脸颊 上各落一个吻,而且通常从右脸颊亲至左脸颊 ( 毕竟奥地利毗邻意大 利。 )男士则通常握手问好。


In France people greet with a bonjour or the more informal salut. And if you thought the formalities of kissing were somewhat novel, be prepared for the bise, planting up to four kisses on the cheeks of the French. The number is dependent upon region, so you 'll need to brush up on some local knowledge before mingling with the haute soci

strict attention to the formal vous form for older people and strangers.

法国人以 bonjour ,或是更加随意的 salut 问好。如果你认为亲 吻体现的正式有点新奇,那准备好于法国凛冽的北风中,在法国人的 脸颊上印上 4 个吻吧。亲吻的个数由地区而定,所以在与法国上层社 会的人打交道前,你得重拾一些对当地的了解。向长者和陌生人打招 呼时,要特别注意使用正式的 vous 来称呼对方。


Incidentally, Brazilians haven 't agreed on the number of kisses either, but numbers vary less dramatically between one and three. Further to the well-known tudo bem?, greetings include the joyously concise oi and e ai. Romanians, like their Bulgarian neighbors, sometimes add a touch of continental flair to their informal greetings with a salut! salut! or a servus for hello.

巧的是,巴西人间问候的亲吻数亦是不定的,不过变化的小些, 从 1 个至 3 个不等。除去众所周知的 tudo bem?( 你好吗 ?) ,巴西人打 招呼

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