20XX - 20XX 学年度第__1____学期 课程类别 教 必修[√] 选修[ ] 师 课程名称: 电子商务(英) 考试方式 填 开卷[ ] 闭卷[写 授课教师姓名:_____________杜可君________ √] 试卷类别(A、B) 考试时间:20XX年__1__月____日 星期 [ A ] 共 6 页 考 生 系 专业 层次 年级(班级) 填 写 考生姓名 考生学号
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分 签名 得分
得分 评卷人 Part One: Single Choice Questions(Please Choose the best answer from the corresponding four alternatives and mark A, B, C or D into the blank。 20% in total and 1% for each)。
No。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer B C D A A D A D B C No。 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer A A D D B C B C B A 1) The process of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, or information
via the computer best defines A) electronic collaboration。 B) electronic commerce。 C) Tweeting。 D) cyber sales。
2) A network that uses the Internet to link multiple intranets best defines A) corporate net。
B) collaboration network。 C) extranet。
D) relational network。
3) Ebay auctions are mostly
A) business-to-employees。 B) consumer-to-business。 C) business-to-consumer。 D) consumer-to-consumer。
4) A user-defined world in which people can interact, play, and do business best describes
A) virtual world。 B) virtual business。 C) virtual model。 D) cyberspace。
5) According to the ________ revenue model, customers pay a fixed amount, usually monthly, to receive some type of service。 A) subscription fees B) transaction fees C) advertising fees D) affiliate fees
6) According to the ________, an organization can increase brand awareness or even generate sales by Web-based word-of-mouth marketing or promoting a product or service to other people。 A) electronic tendering systems model B) online direct marketing model C) name-your-own-price models D) viral marketing model
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7) Each of the following is an example of e-government except
A) a company selling army and navy surplus supplies at auction over the Internet。 B) a contractor submitting an application for a building permit using a city hall Web site。
C) an unemployed worker consulting a Web site operated by the state employment department to learn about job openings in his city。 D) a citizen takes an online drivers' education course
8) A government agency uses an online reverse auction to satisfy the tendering system requirements specified by law。 This is an example of A) e-government。 B) G2C e-commerce。 C) G2B e-commerce。 D) e-procurement。
9) Each of the following is a potential drawback of e-learning except A) instructors must be retrained。
B) knowledge retention is lower than in traditional classrooms。 C) assessment issues remain to be resolved。
D) protecting the intellectual property of content developers。
10) E-books are delivered in each of the following ways except A) via Web access。 B) via Web download。 C) via RFID。
D) via dedicated reader。
11) A major purpose of an organizational knowledge base is to support and allow A) knowledge sharing。 B) e-learning。
C) responsible blogging。 D) organizational capital。
12) Updating knowledge as time progresses describes A) knowledge evolution。 B) knowledge classification。 C) knowledge creation。 D) knowledge utilization。
13) Expertise location systems are designed to
A) provide support for teams and communities of practice。 B) link people to information about people。 C) assist in career development。 D) do all of the above。
14) Each of the following is true regarding trends for B2C merchants except: A) It is hard to run an online business without supporting credit card payments。B) It is increasingly important to support payments by debit cards。
C) Merchants interested in international markets should support a variety of e-payment mechanisms。
D) Merchants who offer multiple payment types have higher shopping cart abandonment rates and lower order conversion。
15) Each of the following is a payment card type except A) debit card。 B) video card。 C) credit card。 D) charge card。
16) Which of the following is the basic configuration for processing online payments where the merchant system deals only with order information? A) own the payment software
B) use a point of sale system operated by a payment service provider C) use a point of sale system operated by an acquirer D) require the payee to utilize specialized software
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17) A smart card containing a small gold plate on the face that when inserted in a smart card reader makes contact and passes data to and from the embedded microchip is a
A) plate card。 B) contact card。 C) proximity card。 D) dedicated card。
18) The type of contact card that is erasable and modifiable is
19) Stored-value cards that are issued by a specific merchant or merchant group and that can only be used to make purchases from that merchant or merchant group are called
A) open-loop cards。 B) closed-loop cards。
C) merchant-specific cards。 D) designated cards。
20) The micropayment model where payments from a single consumer are batched together and processed only after a certain time period has expired or a certain monetary threshold is reached describes A) aggregation。 B) stored value。 C) subscriptions。 D) direct payment。
得分 评卷人 Part Two: True or False Questions(Please determine true or false for the following statements, mark T for true and F for false in the blank without correction。 20% in total and 1% for each)。
No。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Answer T T T F T T T T F T No。 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Answer T T F F F T T T T F 1) The terms e-commerce and e-business can be used interchangeably。
2) Amazon。com can be classified as a click-and-mortar organization。
3) The introduction of the World Wide Web was a major milestone in electronic commerce development。
4) In order for a situation to be considered as electronic commerce, the product, process, and delivery method should all be digital。
5) Strong competition and increased power of consumers are two of the major market and economic pressures in today's business environment。
6) Business models are a subset of a business plan or business case and refer to methods of doing business by which a company can generate revenue。
7) The government-to-citizens (G2C) category includes all of the interactions between a government and its citizens that can take place electronically。 8) Security and auditing measures are key to the success of e-voting。 9) Improving homeland security is a G2C activity。
10) The topic of e-learning is gaining much attention, especially because world-class universities such as MIT, Harvard, and Stanford in the United States and Oxford in the United Kingdom are implementing it。
11) An important advantage of e-learning is that it can provide a fear-free and privacy-protected environment in which students can put forth any idea without fear of looking stupid。
12) A drawback of e-learning is that no online course can deliver real-time information and knowledge in the way a \。
13) Unlike educational institutions, only a small number of business organizations are using e-learning on a large scale because of the lack of availability of business
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14) The disintermediation of cash and credit cards has been successful in the online world。
15) E-payment methods that require the payer to install specialized security software are likely to succeed。
16) With a debit card, the money for a purchased item comes directly out of the holder's checking account with the actual transfer of funds from the holder's account to the merchant's taking place within one to two days。
17) For a given type of payment card and processing system, the processes and participants are essentially the same for off-line (card present) and online (card not present) purchases。
18) One impact of anti-fraud tools is that merchants are rejecting a significant number of both valid and invalid orders due to suspicion of fraud。
19) Smart cards are more secure than credit cards and can be extended with other payment services。
20) Regardless of the vendor's point of view, there is substantial evidence, at least in the offline world, that consumers are not willing to use their credit or debit cards for micropayments under $5 to minimize security risks。
Part Three: Filling the Blanks (Choose the best answer from
得分 评卷人 the alternatives and fill into the blank。 10% in total and 1% for each)。
revenue model organization intranet B2B2C E-learning B2C C2C credit card Click-and-mortar organizations distance learning B2B charge card debit card extranet regulations Brick-and-mortar G2G business model E-government G2C G2E Address Verification System 1) A number of international, federal, and state regulations govern all payment methods。
2) A charge card is a type of payment card where the balance is supposed to be paid in full upon receipt of the monthly statement。
3) Most merchants use the fraud detection method known as Address Verification System。 This method compares the address entered on a Web page with the address information on file with the cardholder's issuing bank。
4) Click-and-mortar organizations are organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities, usually as an additional marketing channel。
5) An extranet is a network that uses the Internet to link multiple intranets。
6) The e-commerce model in which a business provides some product or service to a client business that maintains its own customers is called B2B2C。
7) A method of doing business by which a company can generate revenue to sustain itself defines business model。
8) E-government is the E-commerce model in which a government entity buys or provides goods, services, or information to businesses or individual citizens。 9) _G2G_ is the e-government category that includes activities within government units and those between governments。
10) Formal education that takes place off campus, usually, but not always, through online resources is referred to as distance learning。
Part Four: Definitions (Please give definitions of the following 得分 评卷人 terms。 Proper examples are preferred。 20% in total and 5% for each)。
1。 Voice Portal
Answer: A website with an audio interface that can be accessed through a telephone call。
2。 LinkedIn
Answer: It is a business oriented social networking service。
3。 Specialized stores/malls
Answer: These only sell one or a few types of products, such as books, flowers and toys。 Amazon。com started as a specialized e-bookstore selling books only。
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4。 Click and Brick
Answer: Organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities, usually as an additional marketing channel。 Suning has either online store or physical stores。
得分 评卷人 Part Five: Short Answers (Briefly answer the following questions。 20% in total and 10% for each)。
1。 Please identify the business model(s) of Reebonz and Nike。com。 You are supposed to give the corresponding business model(s) and give evidences to support your answers。
Answer: Reebonz: deep discounting, online direct marketing, membership, social media, blog and community。 Nike。com: online direct marketing, personalization, manufacture direct sale
2) Please explain the concept of “channel conflict” in brief and relate the issue to a practical example。
Answer: Channel conflict is situation in which an online marketing channel upsets the traditional channels due to real or perceived damage from competition。
(Definition: 3 scores; Causes: 3 scores; Examples: 4 scores)
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