21-25. AAABD 26-30 ADCDC 31-35 BBCAB 36-40 DDDAB
41-45 DDDCD 46-50 BEFCA 51-55 FEIAG
56-60 BCNHD
61-65 ACDBA 66-70 DBAAD
71-75 BADBB 76-80 CCCAA
81-85 CCBAD
86. She invited them to come in.
87. Because they didn ’t like to go into a house together/ They wanted
to know which of them the woman liked best. daughter ’s. 89. All the three./Love,
Wealth and Success. 90.it off to
92. to have kept 93. as soon as possible. 94. lost my temper. 95. neither/nor can he. 表格填空
1. First Name 2. Marry 3. Sex 4. China/PRC
5. TaiWan
6. Chinese 7. Occupation 8. Languages 9. ID card
10. November 5, 1978 11.Room 12. Check-in Date 13. October 8. 14. credit card 15. Telephone
