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(单选题)11: He and his family had to ______ on 50$ a week. A: pay B: spend C: live D: exist 标准解答:

(单选题)12: Kate said that ____________.

A: she had finished writing the composition the night before B: she had finished writing the composition last day C: I finished writing the composition on the last night D: she finished writing the composition before the night 标准解答:

(单选题)13: He thought that ____________. A: the effort doing the job was not worth B: the effort was not worth in doing the job C: it was not worth the effort doing the job D: it was not worth the effort by doing the job 标准解答:

(单选题)14: —What day is today? —________. A: Today is March 25th B: Today is Saturday C: Today is fine D: Today is cold 标准解答:

(单选题)15: Your shirt needs____________ . You'd better have it done today. A: iron B: to iron C: ironing

D: being ironed 标准解答:

(单选题)16: I'd like to __________ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy. A: refer B: suggest C: recommend D: propose 标准解答:

(单选题)17: The problem of housing____________ lead to the problem of social

instability. A: itself B: must C: did D: never 标准解答:

(单选题)18: I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than____________a room with someone else. A: to share

B: to have shared C: share D: sharing 标准解答:

(单选题)19: You were silly not ____________your car. A: to lock

B: to have locked C: locking

D: having locked 标准解答:

(单选题)20: If I ____you, I would go by plane. Flying is much faster. A: be B: was C: were D: am


(单选题)21: His tone ___________ his real feelings more truly than his words. A: brought B: conveyed C: handed D: fetched 标准解答:

(单选题)22: —What can I do for you, madam? —_________.

A: I want a kilo of apples B: You can go your own way C: Thanks

D: Excuse me. I'm busy 标准解答:

(单选题)23: I suppose you're not serious, ____________ ? A: don't I B: do I

C: aren't you D: are you 标准解答:

(单选题)24: My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate ____________ from you sometime. A: to have heard B: to hear C: for hearing D: hearing 标准解答:

(单选题)25: ___ Thursday evening at seven, Dr. Stanley will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on Three Days in China. A: In B: On C: At D: From 标准解答:

(单选题)26: If you ever have the ___ to go abroad to study, you should take it. A: chance

B: possibility C: offer D: luck 标准解答:

(单选题)27: —Tomorrow is my birthday. —__________.

A: Oh, I have a good idea. B: I am glad you like it.

C: Many happy returns of the day! D: You must be very happy. 标准解答:

(单选题)28: ____________ the matter with the teacher, we had a better understanding about it. A: To discuss B: Discussed

C: Being discussed D: Having discussed


(单选题)29: I went to the post office,only_____ it was closed. A: finding B: to find

C: to be finding D: found 标准解答:

(单选题)30: I'm afraid I can't finish the work ____________to help me. A: unless you will come B: unless you come C: until you will come D: until you shall come 标准解答:

(单选题)31: This is not my bike.It's ____________. A: Mary B: Mary's C: of Mary

D: the bike of Mary 标准解答:

(单选题)32: David ____________himself while he ____________the machine. A: hurted... was fixing B: hurts... is fixing C: hurt... fixed

D: hurt ... was fixing 标准解答:

(单选题)33: She divided the cake into three pieces and gave her three children ___ a peice. A: every B: all C: both D: each 标准解答:

(单选题)34: After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to_____. A: withdraw B: resign C: retire D: retreat


(单选题)35: It ____________ whether he will go on with his study at the university. A: hasn't been decided B: isn't decided C: hasn't decided D: doesn't decide 标准解答:

(单选题)36: His three children ____________ now college graduates, he felt he could retire from business. A: to be B: being

C: having been D: been 标准解答:

(单选题)37: —I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! —_________.

A: Don't worry about it

B: Congratulations! That's a difficult course C: Mr. Brown is very good D: Good luck to you 标准解答:

(单选题)38: Without the _______ of TV, children might spend more time reading and writing. A: watching

B: concentration C: show

D: distraction 标准解答:

(单选题)39: ____to the Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Beijing opera here. A: Coming B: Welcome C: Well come D: Will come 标准解答:

(单选题)40: Everything seems all right, ____________ ? A: doesn't it B: won't it C: hasn't it



