1. Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier fluctuations in the Himalaya and Tibet
2. Cosmogenic beryllium-10 and neon-21 dating of Late Pleistocene glaciation in Nyalam, monsoonal Himalayas.
3. Timing and climatic drivers for glaciation across monsoon-influenced regions of the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen.
4. Nature and timing of Quaternary glaciation in the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen
5. Constrain on the Late Quaternary glaciations in Tibetan from cosmogenic exposure ages of moraine surfaces
6.Towards defining the transition in style and timing of Quaternary glaciation between the monsoon-influenced Greater Himalaya and the semi-arid Transhimalaya of Northern India. 7. Quaternary glaciation of Gurla Mandhata (Naimon’anyi)
8. Quaternary glaciation of the Tashkurgan valley, Southeast Pamir.
9 Quaternary glaciation of Muztag Ata and Kongur Shan: Evidence for glacier response to rapid climate changes throughout the Late Glacial and Holocene in westernmost Tibet. 10. Quaternary glaciation of the Himalaya-Tibetan orogen.
11. Paleoglaciation of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding mountains based on exposure age and ELA depression estimates.
12. 10Be dating of boulders on moraines from the last glacial period in the Nyainqentanglha Mountains , Tibet .
13. Review of Holocene glacial chronologies based on radiocarbon dating in Tibet and its surrounding mountains.
14. Paleoglaciation of Shaluli shan, southeastern Tibetan Plateau.
15. Cosmogenic glacial chronology of the Ateaoyinake at the source area of the Urumqi River, Tian Shan Mountains, China.
16. Glacial geomorphology and glacial history of Muzart River valley, Tianshan Rang, China. 17. Late Holocene monsoonal temperate glacier fluctuations on the Tibetan Plateau. 18. Spatially heterogeneous wastage of Himalaya glaciers .
19. Climate and glacier in Sourthwestern China during the past several decades.
20. Pleistocene glaciations of Central Asia: Results from 10Be surface exposure ages of erratic boulders from the Pamir(Tajikistan),and the Alay—Turkestan range (Kyrgyzstan)
21. Late Quaternary glacial and climate history of the Pamir Mountains derived from cosmogenic 10
Be exposure age
22. Timing and style of Late Quaternary glaciation in the Eastern Hindu Kush,Chitral,No~hern Pakistan:A review and revision of the glacial chronology based on new optically stimulated luminescence dating
23. Timing of multiple Late Quaternary glaciations in the Hunza Valley,Karakoram Mountains, Northern Pakistan: Defined by cosmogenie radionuclide dating of moraines. 24. Quatenrary glacial histoyr of the Hunza Valley,Karakoram Mountains 25. Timing of Late Quaternary glaciations in the Himalayas of Northern Pakistan
26. Style and timing of glaciation in Lahul Himalaya, North India: A framework for reconstructing Late Quaternary paleoclimatic change in the Western Himalayas
27. Geomorphology and Quaternary glaciation in Naimonayi Peak region.In: Shidei T P ed. Sino Japanese Joint Science Symposium of Tibetan Plateau(Vo1.02)
28. Beryllium-10 dating of Mount Everest moraines indicates a strong monsoon influence and
glacial synchroneity throughout the Himalaya.
29. Reconstruction of the Late Quaternayr Glaciation of the Macha Khola valley(Gorkha Himal, Nepa1)using relative and absolute( 14C,10Be,dendrochronology) dating techniques
30. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide surface exposure dating of the oldest glacial successions in the Himalayan orogen:Ladakh Range,Northern India
31. Timing and style of Late Quaternary glaciation in North Eastern Tibet
32. Late Quaternary landscape evolution in the Kunlun Mountains and Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibet: A framework for examining the links between glaciation,lake level changes and alluvial fan formation
33. Cosmogenic radionuclide evidence for the limited extent of last glacial maximum glaciers in the Tanggula Shan of the Central Tibetan Plateau
34. Climatic and topographic controls on the style and timing of Late Quaternayr glaciation
throughout Tibet and the Himalaya defined by 10Be cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure dating
35. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Late Quaternayr glaciogenic sediments in the upper Hunza valley: Validating the timing of glaciation and assessing dating methods 36. Extent and spatial distribution of Pleistocene glaciations in Eastern Tibet.
37. Quaternary glaciations recorded by glacial and fluvial landforms in the Shaluli Mountains,South Eastern Tibetan Plateau
38. The Quaternary glaciation of Shesan Mountain in Taiwan and glacial classification in monsoon areas
39. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Late Quaternary glaciogenic sediments in the upper Hunza valley: Validating the timing of glaciation and assessing dating methods
40.OSL dating of glaciation extend during the Last Glacial and Kanas Lake basin formation in Kanas River valley, Altai Mountains, China.
41.Timing of late Quaternary glaciation in the Himalayas of northern Pankistan . 42.Asynchronous for fluctuation in late Pleistocene Sierra Nevada glaciers and lakes
43.Style and timing of glaciation in Lahul Himalaya, North India : a framework for reconstructing late Quaternary paleoclimatic change in the Western Himalayas.
44.Pleistocene glaciations of Central Asia: results from 10Be surface exposure ages of erratic boulders from the Pamir (Tajikistan) ,and the Alay-Turkestan range (Kygyzstan).
45.Timing and climate drivers for glaciation across semi-arid Western Himalaya-Tibetan orogen. 46.Timing and style 0f Late Quaternary glaciati0n in the eastern Hindu Kush,Chitral,n0rthem Pakista“:a review and revision 0ffhe glacial chronology based 0n new 0ptically stimulated lummescence dating
47.OSL dating of glacial deposits during the last glacial in the Terskey-Alatoo range,Kygyz Republic.
48.Timing of Late Quaternary glaciati0ns in the Himalayas of northern Pakistan.
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