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摘 ;要:随着科技的进步,互联网技术和计算机技术的发展日新月异,不但给人们的工作和生活带来了便利,也给企业的管理和生产经营提供了契机,企业借助网络的发展逐步实现了管理、经营的智能化,这标志着信息时代彻底到来了。计算机技术能够使企业的管理和生产经营做到较高的稳定性、快捷性和准确性。因此,在企业管理中计算机技术的应用应该被得到广泛的重视。目前,我国企业计算机智能化管理已经逐步的实现,但仍存在一定的问题,文章就计算机技术在企业管理中的应用进行了探究。 关键词:计算机技术;企业管理;应用探究
中图分类号:F270.7 文献标志码:A ; ; ; ; 文章编号:2095-2945(2020)24-0195-02 Abstract: With the progress of science and technology, the development of Internet technology and computer technology is changing with each passing day, which not only brings convenience to people's work and life, but also provides an opportunity for the management and production and operation of enterprises. Enterprises have gradually realized the intelligence of management and operation with the help of the development of the network, which marks the complete arrival of the information age. Computer technology can enable the management, production and operation of enterprises to achieve high stability, quickness and accuracy.
Therefore, the application of computer technology in enterprise management should draw increasing attention. At present, the realization of computer intelligent management in Chinese enterprises has been gradually realized, but there are still some problems. This paper probes into the application of computer technology in enterprise management.
Keywords: computer technology; enterprise management; application research
社會经济的高速发展,对日益激烈的市场竞争与企业运行的效率和管理水平提出了新的要求。在信息时代的背景下,企业要想准确的把握各种市场机会就要尽可能的避免市场风险,促进企业经济效益的不断提高,减少生产经营的成本。近年来,通过对计算机技术的应用和研究,极大的提高了企业实际的科学管理、生产经营、资源整合和人力资源管理等效率,节约了人力物力,提高了企业运行效率,唯有这样企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中分一杯羹。 1 计算机技术的概述和计算机技术在企业管理中的优势