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1.If I’m not in class, I’m __________(要么)in the library or in the computer lab. 【答案】either


2.People were dressed in __________(优雅)costumes, all of them suitable for a multicultural parade. 【答案】elegant

【句意】人们身着优雅的服装,这些服装都适合多元文化游行。 3. —I think you’d better clean your room. —What for? It’s clean __________(足够). 【答案】enough


4.The animation film, Ne Zha, has been welcomed by Chinese audience, because it has applied a range of __________(元素), from Peking Opera and Lunar New Year paintings to Chinese animation techniques. 【答案】elements

【句意】动画哪吒深受中国观众喜爱,因为它应用了大量中国元素:从京剧、年画到中国动画技术。 5.A new atmosphere is being formed among us this year where we stress __________(有效的)work and oppose __________(空的)talk. 【答案】effective, empty

【句意】今年我们正在形成一种新的氛围,在该氛围中,我们重视有效的工作,反对空谈。 6.Mary found herself in an __________(窘迫的)position, and therefore she felt rather __________(尴尬). 【答案】embarrassing, embarrassed


7.After he left college, he was __________(雇佣)in an international company and has worked there ever since . 【答案】employed

【解析】他大学毕业以后,被一家跨国公司雇佣了,从那以后就一直在那里工作。 8.We must __________(确保)that tourism develops in with the __________(环境). 【答案】ensure, environment


9.With the help of the organization, she was able to secure the benefits, however small, to which she was __________(使享有权利)under the law. 【答案】entitled





10.I don’t think he is the suitable person, for he __________(经验)experience, which is __________(必不可少)for the job.

【答案】lacks, essential


11.The latest report has declared that the Chinese __________(经济)is picking up steadily, supported by increasing consumption, stable __________(出口)volumes, and the government’s reform policies. 【答案】economy, export

【句意】最新报告称,在消费增长、出口稳定和政府改革政策的支持下,中国经济正在稳步回升。 12.There are other languages that sound e__________ different, e__________ though/if they’re conveying e__________ the same meaning. 【答案】extremely, even, exactly

【句意】有些语言听起来非常不同,即使它们传达的意思完全相同。 13.—Anything serious with my leg, doctor?

—Take it e__________. Nothing serious, as a matter of fact. 【答案】easy

【解析】“我的腿有什么严重的问题吗,医生?”“别紧张。事实上,没什么大不了的。” 14.I really hope that the long wait will soon be at an e__________. 【答案】end


15.For Lucy, the most necessary thing is to find a suitable job, one in which she can e__________ her living and fulfill her potential. 【答案】earn

【句意】对露西来说,当务之急是找到一份合适的工作,一份能够让她谋生并发挥潜力的工作。 16.We’ll spare no e__________ to promote the development of our trade. 【答案】effort


17. At the e__________ of the 16th century, about five to seven million people spoke English. 【答案】end


18.I came across my university professor in the supermarket near my house, which was out of my __________. 【答案】expectation


19.To ensure the safety of the passengers and improve the traffic conditions, a new law has come into e__________ since April l. 【答案】effect




