1. 全世界语言 → 4000-5000种 (P7)
2. Dead language → no living speakers (P7) 3. Historical variation → variation over time
Regional variation → variation in different places (P15) 4. RP Standard English Network English: Standard English → Written English
RP → Received Pronunciation ( Also Southern Educated British English) Network English → Educated American English (P19) 5. Vocabulary change in English (P23-24)
6. 词汇来源:Borrowing(e.g dim sum), Abbreviations(e.g MTR), Translations(e.g dragon
7. 英国语言→ English, Welsh(Wales地区) Gaelic (Scotland地区)( P36) 8. Dialects→ Different ways of speaking the same language
Accent → We are talking only about the sounds of the language in some places (P39) 9. Language family:
English → Indo-European family(印欧语系) Chinese → Sino-Tibetan family(汉藏语系) P64 10. 英国历史上三次被入侵:
1) BC 1st – AD 5th →Latin- speaking Romans 来自Mediterranean
2)AD 5th - 8th and 9th → Scandinavian斯堪的纳维亚人(Angles盎格鲁人, Saxons撒克逊部族, Jutes朱特族人) invaded Britain 来自North West Europe 3)AD 11th →French-speaking Normans 来自Normandy(P69-70)
11. Standard English:
A: Come from → South East
B: Reason →. Its importance is matter of culture and history(P75 )
12. 英语发展过程中历史事件及英语语言本身的发展变化: Time 11th century 12th-13th centuries Historical Events Norman conquest of England Noranm French rulers in England Language Norman French brought to England Morman French as the language of power: Latin for learning and religion; English for common people’s use English gaining ground among educated people wrote English London English incresingly read and understood 14th century 1475 Changes in English education Geoffrey Chaucer 1340-1400 Caxton set up printing press in London 13. A good English dictionary contains about 450,000 separate entries.(P86) 14. Receptive(听读) →You recognize a word and know what it means. Productive(说写)→You can say a word or you can write it.
NOTE: 每个人的Receptive knowledge of vocabulary要大于Productive knowledge (P89-90)
15. Prescriptive teaching(说明性教学) →correct students’ mistakes
Productive teaching(输出性教学) → Practice students’ English by speaking and writing.
Descriptive teaching(描述性教学) → Tell students how English has changed and come to be
as it is now. P100 P103
16. 语言种类:P109-118 Regional Basque National Norwegian Danish丹麦语 Swedish瑞典语 Dutch Japanese International Spanish Portuguese French Dutch German Global English English 17. Basque(巴斯克语),Hindi(印地语)P115-116
18. 美国历史(The New World: the continent of America:)
1584, 1585 Sir Walter Releigh’s two expeditions to the New World 1620→English Puritan Playmouth Mayflower 1775 → American war of Independence started 1785 → End of the War.USA set up
1790 → First census人口普查held. About 90%of the population of British descent后裔 P120-121
19. The USA → The melting-pot
In New York harbour → You can see the Statue of Liberty P122-123 20. 英国在世界的殖民地: Eroupe United Kingdom& Ireland Asia India Africa Kenya North and South Australasia America 澳大拉西亚 Canada Australia Malaysia Borneo波罗洲 New Guinea新几内亚 Hong Kong Rhodesia 罗得西亚 South Africa USA New Zealand 21. 印度英语发展历史:The East India Company → Started in 17th century, by 1813, it came to
an end.
19th century → The English man named Macaulay was called the President of the
Committee of Public Instruction, set up universities of English language P138-139
22. 澳大利亚Australia 形成, Captain Cook lead the first exploration in 1770
astronomical observation
18th century: penal colony (罪犯流放地) (P140-141) 23. Inner Circle, Outer Circle and Expanding Circle →
Braj Kachru, from the sub-continent of India developed the idea of classifying the international use of English.
Inner Circle: native speakers-users mother tongue
Britain, North America, Australia New Zealand, South Africa Outer Circle: taught in schools, international and official business Indian Hong Kong
Expanding Circle: not an official language , international use P147
24. Esperanto世界语 → 具有全球扩广的语言特征,且适合全球使用的理想语言
What an ideal language for global use 理由 P158-159 Artificial language → The failed reason (p160-161)
Simplify a natural language → Noah Webster made English spelling easier for the children Basic English →designed by C.K.Ogden in 1930, only 850 words P161-162
25. Social Variation →speakers use English differently with their social and educational level.
Languages are equal, no primitive or underdeveloped language p166
26. Dead languages → Latin and Sanskrit(梵语)
French, Spanish and Portuguese are descendants of Latin p170
27. Pygmalion → He is a craftsmen from Greek empire, made a sculptor named Galatea. And he
loves her and she came lived.
My Fair Lady → Wrote by George Bernard Shaw, a famous Irish playwright. P182-183 28. False beginners → The students who have forgotten the early stages of learning a language The first stage of learning → Learning the rules of the sound system, the grammar, the writing
system, and the vocabulary.
The second stage of learning → Using English in a variety of ways. P187-188 29. The rules of writing English → p202
A. Always make sure your sentences are complete. B. Every sentence must hace a subject and a verb. C. Never put a preposition at the end of the sentence. D. Never use slang(俚语) or even informal words. 30. The components of a Trade Deal → p216
A. a commodity(商品). B. a currency C. a seller
D. a buyer E. a market F. a means of communication. 31. Lingua Franca(交际语/通用语) → used for trade deal p224-228
Pidgin(混杂语/洋泾浜语) → It means a language,used for purpose of trade. Creoles(克利奥尔语) → 是Pidgin进化后的语言 p228-237 Black English → P230-233
Papua New Guinea → Adopted Tok Pisin
Creole can become a national language. ,but a pidgin can’t P235 32. Present day international trade P243 33. Faxed English → P249-250-252 34. English in science P262 P265-266
35. English in international transport P266-277 Risks in air travel P271
English in air traffic control →
A. The language of Internetational Air Traffic Control is English. B. It is used by all ground control staff and flight crew. C. It is used in all parts of the world.
D. It is twentieth century English: It is Standard English.
E. It is spoken English and speakers know what they say will be recorded F. It is the English of a special area of knowledge. G. It is formal, but not polite or indirect. H. It is brief, clear, and direct. P 275
Sea-speak → A special, restricted variety of English is now used internationally in ship-to-shore
Jargon行话 → It’s a special name for the selection that peole who have a common interest in
machines and techniques use it.
Slang俚语→ For the language used by young people to keep out the old. 36. English and TV → P279 P287
37. English and Information technology →P289 English and IT → P296 P298 38. ELT → English language teaching
Native-speaker English language teacher 和Blingual teacher双语教师各自的优点和缺点 → 见 P302表格
Five important ELT terms: p307
A. Pattern practice句型练习 → Learning by constantly repeating correct English
B. Language laboratory语言实验室→ A classroom equipped with tape recorders and a
control desk for the teacher.
C. Communicative approach交际法 | 交际教学法 | 沟通式教学法 | 传意形式的教学
法→ A view of ELT that puts first understanding and being understood by another person.
D. Error analysis →Teaching in the belief that mistakes are necessary to learning and useful
to teachers.
E. English for Specific Purposes → Courses designed to match the future work of and
needs of groups of leaners, very often groups with different occupations.
39. ESL → English as a Second Language EFL → English as a Foreign Language
L1 → English as a mother tongue见p314 表格 40. New Standards → P315-316
41. Hong Kong English deviates from Standard English. → P318
42. Interlanguage语际语/中间语言/中介语/ 人工辅助语言 → The languages of learners who
have only partial control of a language.
Intro-national and International use → The difference between the use of English inside a
country and between that country and the rest of the world. P321
43. The advantages and disadvantages of Local standard and Standard
Advantages →
A. They are easier and quicker to learn(so more learners will succeed)
B. There are useful where there are many languages in use in a country and no common
C. Only a minority of people need a language for international use. Disadvantages →
A. Local standards change quickly and are not well regarded internationally. B. If they are use intenationally, they don’t do justice to the user or his ideas.
C. Local Standards are emerging and changing, so there may not be enough suitable
teachers, or teaching materials. P322-323
44. The views of Quirk and Kachru on Standard Other terms in use The Quirk view Deficit view The Kachru view Liberation view The term standard should be Only to Standard British and Equally to standards use in applied Standard American Englsih Singapore, India, Africa and other places where English is widely used. In schools and colleges Only these two Standards Local standards should be should be studies. studied Deviations from (British or Are mistakes that are part of Are often clear signs of American)Standard English the learning process, and emerging new standards and should be corrected. need not be corrected Teachers of English If they are not mative speakers Are usually not native need to be in constant touch speakers and can’t be with native standards. constantly in touch with any except local standards. Study English for international use. They need to be constantly trying to get closer to native-like standards, so as to be able to use English that is internationally acceptable. All but a few want and need English for use in their own multi-lingual country. They can’t be constantly in touch with native standards, and are much more likely to use English locally than internationally. Learners of English 45. Mono-lingual and Multi-lingual Societies → P346 46. Opportunity cost → All learning is associated with an opportunity cost. Language learning
represents a big investment of time and effort by individuals and by the society of which they are part.
47. Shrinking world → P361-362
48. Around the World in Eighty Days → Jules Verne (P362)
49. Tower of Babel巴别塔 | 通天塔 | 巴比塔 | 巴贝尔塔→ P365-366 50. Cultural Imperialism文化帝国主义→ P382 51. Proficient in English →
Information about English → P394
Support and reinforce each other → P407