Application of ATOVS Microwave Radiance Assimilation to Rainfall Prediction in Summer 2004
Application of ATOVS Microwave Radiance Assimilation to Rainfall Prediction in Summer 2004
【期刊名称】《大气科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2006(023)005
【摘要】Experiments are performed in this paper to understand the influence of satellite radiance data on the initial field of a numerical prediction system and rainfall prediction. First, Advanced Microwave Sounder Unit A (AMSU-A) and Unit B (AMSU-B) radiance data are directly used by three-dimensional variational data assimilation to improve the background field of the numerical model. Then, the detailed effect of the radiance data on the background field is analyzed. Secondly, the background field, which is formed by application of Advanced Television and Infrared Observation Satellite Operational Vertical Sounder (ATOVS) microwave radiance assimilation, is employed to simulate some heavy rainfall cases.The experiment results show that the assimilation of AMSU-A (B) microwave radiance data has a certain impact on the geopotential height, temperature, relative humidity and flow fields. And the impacts on the background field are mostly similar in the different months in summer. The heavy rainfall experiments reveal that the application of AMSU-A (B) microwave radiance data can improve the rainfall prediction significantly. In particular, the AMSU-A
Application of ATOVS Microwave Radiance Assimilation to Rainfall Prediction in Summer 2004