【期刊名称】《中国美容医学》 【年(卷),期】2011(020)0z5
【摘要】Objective:To compare the clinic effects of three instruments in root canal preparation. Methodsjone hundred and twenty two first molars with pulpitis or periodontttis were selected, and divided randomised into M group;P group and K group with one—time root canal treatment. M group: Crown—down technique was used in root canal preparation) P group: routine preparation technique was used in root canal preparation; K group: modified step—back technique was used in root canal preparation) All the root canals were sterilized by ultrasonic instruments and obturated with lateral condensation method. The efficiency of preparation,quality of obturation and patients'reaction were analyzed after one—time root canal treatment. Results:correct fill—in in M group was 93, 5%; in P group was 93. 3% ; in K group was 88. 4%. The average time of root canal preparation in M group(235. 6±69. 7s/canal) was significantly (P<0. 05)shorter than in P group(490. 1±123. 8s/canal) . The rate of pain post operation in M group(4. 9%) and P group(7. 9%) were lower than K group(23.8%) was significant(P <0. 05). Conclusion: root canals can be prepared and obturated effectively in M group and P group with lower pain rates.%目的:对比现察