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牛津上海版(试用本)七年级英语上册单元测试卷Module 2 (word版含答案解析)

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Module 2 Unit 6 Differene pleces

一、单项选择(共15小题;共45分) 从下面各题所给选项中,选择最佳选项。

1. All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and it's _____. A.noisy B.lonely

2. (2019吉林长春中考)



I live in a (an) _____ neighborhood. Many people and cars come and go very often.

A.quiet B.empty C.noisy D.lonely

3. My teacher has given me useful suggestions and I want to thank him from the _____ of my heart.

A.bottom B.condition C.way

从下面选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 4. This is the first stage of making a kite. A.step B.space


5. It's too _____. Let's go and find a quiet place.

A.quiet B.quick C.noisy D.free

6. The writer _____ his new book in the hall of our university at the moment. A.introduces C.introduced

7. —_____?

—Turn left and you'll see it. A.Where can I go

B.When can I get to the station B.is introducing D.would introduce



C.Where is the shop D.Which bus can I take

8. —_____ do you make such delicious soup?

—Put the fish into the water and cook it _____ a high temperature for an hour. A.What; in

B.What; at

C.How; in

D.How; at

第4页(共13 页)

9. Watch your _____. The ground is so muddy.

A.foot B.step C.shoes

10. Can you make the classroom less _____? I can't hear a word. A.noise B.quiet C.quietly

11. A foreign language must be learned _____. A.step by step

B.face to face


C.shoulder to shoulder

12. Being honest is the first _____ if you want to make friends with others. A.step B.time C.job

13. There _____ some students on the playground.


A.is B.have C.has D.are

14. Without trees, the streets will be less beautiful and much _____. A.noise B.noisy



D.more noisy

15. I don't need to buy the CD _____ I will borrow it from Lingling. A.until






The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies. _____16_____ people all over the world like it very much. And the _____17_____ Do Re Mi in the movie is also popular around the world. It can be heard everywhere. The movie is a _____18_____ about a tutor (家庭教师), Maria. She was a young and outgoing woman. She went to _____19_____ after a family with seven

children. Their family _____20_____ was Von Trapp. Mr. Von Trapp was a captain. He and his family lived in Austria. The family were very _____21_____ and tired after the children's mother, Mrs. Von Trapp died. _____22_____ took care of the children. They cried and shouted every day. The lonely father often became angry because of the _____23_____ children. Maria was able to _____24_____ the family by teaching them to sing lively songs and perform

第4页(共13 页)

牛津上海版(试用本)七年级英语上册单元测试卷Module 2 (word版含答案解析)


