Plaintext, encryption algorithm, secret key, ciphertext, decryption algorithm.
明文 加密算法 密钥 密文 解密算法 密码算法中两个基本函数式什么? Permutation and substitution. 代换和置换P20
用密码进行通信的两个人需要多少密钥? 对称密码只需要一把,非对称密码要两把P20 分组密码和流密码的区别是什么?
A stream cipher is one that encrypts a digital data stream one bit or one byte at a time. A block cipher is one in which a block of
plaintext is treated as a whole and used to produce a ciphertext block of equal length.
分组密码每次输入的一组元素,相应地输出一组元素。流密码则是连续地处理输入元素,每次输出一个元素。P20 攻击密码的两种一般方法是什么? Cryptanalysis and brute force. 密码分析和暴力破解
Ciphertext only. One possible attack under these circumstances is the brute-force approach of trying all possible keys. If the key space is very large, this becomes impractical. Thus, the opponent must rely on an analysis of the ciphertext itself, generally applying various statistical tests to it.
Known analyst may be able to capture one or more plaintext messages as well as their encryptions. With this knowledge, the analyst may be able to deduce the key on the basis of the way in which the known plaintext is transformed.
Chosen plaintext. If the analyst is able to choose the messages to encrypt, the analyst may deliberately pick patterns that can be expected to reveal the structure of the key. 惟密文 已知明文 选择明文
An encryption scheme is unconditionally secure if the ciphertext generated by the scheme does not contain enough information to determine uniquely the corresponding plaintext, no matter how much ciphertext is available. An encryption scheme is said to be
computationally secure if: (1) the cost of breaking the cipher exceeds
the value of the encrypted information, and (2) the time required to break the cipher exceeds the useful lifetime of the information. 书本P21
The Caesar cipher involves replacing each letter of the alphabet with the letter standing k places further down the alphabet, for k in the range 1 through 25. 书本P22
A monoalphabetic substitution cipher maps a plaintext alphabet to a ciphertext alphabet, so that each letter of the plaintext alphabet maps to a single unique letter of the ciphertext alphabet. 书本P23
The Playfair algorithm is based on the use of a 55 matrix of letters constructed using a keyword. Plaintext is encrypted two letters at a time using this matrix. 书本P26
A polyalphabetic substitution cipher uses a separate monoalphabetic substitution cipher for each successive letter of plaintext, depending on a key.
1. There is the practical problem of making large quantities of random
keys. Any heavily used system might require millions of random characters on a regular basis. Supplying truly random characters in this volume is a significant task.
2. Even more daunting is the problem of key distribution and protection. For every message to be sent, a key of equal length is needed by both sender and receiver. Thus, a mammoth key distribution problem exists. 书本P33
A transposition cipher involves a permutation of the plaintext letters. 书本P33 什么是隐写术?
Steganography involves concealing the existence of a message. 书本P36
注:答案解答得很坑爹,答了等于没答。现解答如下: b.判定a不能取哪些值。