【期刊名称】《中华烧伤杂志》 【年(卷),期】2011(027)002
【摘要】@@ 不动杆菌自1911年被发现以来,已确定至少有32个不同种类,其中大部分不致病,广泛分布于自然环境中,并可寄生于健康人体.鲍氏不动杆菌属于莫拉菌科的革兰阴性非发酵杆菌,感染范围包括呼吸道、血液、皮肤和软组织以及各类植入性医疗器材等.在过去10年内,鲍氏不动杆菌表现出多药耐药或泛耐药性,已成为ICU、烧伤病房细菌感染的重要病原菌,是全球面临的临床棘手问题.为此,笔者结合本团队基础研究和临床工作经验,分析和评述鲍氏不动杆菌耐药机制及防治其感染的对策.%Infections caused by Acinetobacter baumannii (AB) have emerged as a knotty clinical problem in the burn wards due to its omni-resistance to antibiotics and high prevalence. Although our knowledge in regard to the pathogenesis and the resistance mechanisms of AB is increasing, the available treatment remains much limited. Measures to effectively control nosocomial infection are warranted. Meanwhile, development of novel therapeutic agents or combination of antibiotics should be considered. 【总页数】4页(84-87)
【关键词】烧伤;鲍氏不动杆菌;抗菌药;抗药性 【作者】郇京宁;唐佳俊