small 小的 big 大的 long长的 short 短的
Let’s do
Tall, tall, tall. Make yourself tall. Big, big, big. Make your eyes big.
Long, long, long. Make your arms long. Short, short, short. Make yourself short. Small, small, small. Make your eyes small. Short, short, short. Make your arms short.
Let’s say
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B Let’s talk
Look at the giraffe. 看那个长颈鹿。 Oh, it’s so tall. 噢!它好高啊! Look at the deer. 看那个小鹿, It’s short. 它很矮。
You see. The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. 你明白。长颈鹿高,小鹿矮。 Yeah! 是的。
Dad, you’re tall. I’m short. 爸爸,你高,我矮。 You’re right. 你说对了。
Let’s learn
tall高的 short矮的 giraffe长颈鹿 deer小鹿
Let’s say
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