Unit 8 Here is a darker side of a society. II Basic listening practice 1. C)
2. C)
3. B)
4. A)
5. D)
III Listening in Task 1 1. B) Task 2 1. C) Task 3 (1) 49
(2) first birthday (4) reduce (6) increasing (8) faster
(10) reduce poverty (12) live better
2. D)
3. C)
4. B)
5. C)
2. A)
3. C)
4. C)
5. D)
(3) health care systems (5) expenses (7) lower
(9) education
(11) more opportunities (13) social ladder IV Speaking out Model 1
(1) abuse of the elderly (2) people live longer now
(3) try to save money on food and care (4) is a national epidemic (5) care was substandard (6) in cases of abuse Model 2
(1) she tells women the dangers of drinking
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(2) I can’t imagine someone as pretty as she is to be a drunk (3) there are alcoholics all over the world (4) who lack the willpower to stop (5) It’s a disease that strikes (6) alcohol helped her to relax Model 3
(1) Why do you look so depressed (2) you’ve been hooked
(3) Apparently it’s just like being addicted to drugs or alcohol (4) It takes over your life (5) he’s a compulsive gambler (6) Tough but worth it V Let’s talk (1) easier
(2) loneliness (4) brain (6) younger (8) assumption (10) attitudes
(3) passed away
(5) health problems (7) doctor
(9) history
VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1 1. B) Task 2
1. She thinks many of the big spenders on lottery tickets are poor; they spend money they can’t afford to spend
2. He just buys lottery tickets for him. He thinks if he won a huge amount, it would be exciting.
3. They buy lottery tickets out of desperation. Also the thrill of a win, of something for nothing, is addictive.
4. Casinos are opening everywhere, many people go on gambling on holidays, and word 可复制编辑
2. A) 3. C) 4. B) 5. C)
one can even take a gambling cruise.
5. It will be helpful for habitual gamblers only when they want to be cured themselves. Task 3 1. C)
2. D)
3. A)
4. B)
5. A)
Viewing and speaking 1. (1) condition (4) further
(2) dignity (5) distinction (8) fate
(3) fire (6) status (9) Answering
(7) prosperity
Unit 8 test Part I CBADD Part II
(1)habit (2)crucial (3)among (4)decade (5)did (6)issues (7)adult (8)teens get turned off if you ask them a lot of direct questions (9)The first phone call generally takes about 45 minutes, with discussion about why the teen began smoking and the extent of the habit (10)Now 260 teens who have participated in the program are being followed Part III ABCBD Part IV CBACB ABCDC
Unit 9 What mode of travel do you prefer? I Lead-in 1) plane 5) bus
2) bike
3) truck / lorry
4) ship 6) motorcycle 7) subway / underground II Basic listening practice
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2. B)
3. C)
4. D)
5. A)
1. C)
III Listening in Task 1
(1) security checks (4) carry-ons (7) seized (10) bags Task 2 1. A) Task 3 1. A)
2. B)
3. D)
4. D)
5. A)
2. C)
3. C)
4. D)
5. D)
(2) searched (5) checking
(3) fear (6) greater (9) take pictures (12) strange
(8) digital camera (11) on his way
IV Speaking out Model 1
(1) I’d like to book hotel and airline reservations (2) what’s your destination (3) I’m headed for
(4) Will that be a one-way or a round-trip ticket (5) Return
(6) Will you be flying first class or business class Model 2
(1) How did it go? Everything smooth sailing
(2) It took me quite a while to find the United Airlines check-in counter (3) it was displayed on the monitor (4) there was a terrible line-up
(5) I can stretch my legs and occasionally stand up in the aisle. (6) and it said that my flight would be boarding at Gate 33 Model 3
(1) You look like something the cat dragged in (2) You would too if you’d been through what I have (3) See my eyes? They’re all bloodshot
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(4) How long does this jet lag last
(5) I would whether a long flight like that is worth the high cost (6) reset my biological clock after a flight V Let’s talk 1. 1) (1)close
(2) 12.9 million (2) cup of tea (2) set down (2) fly over (2) fast asleep
(3) low
(3) dreamed
2) (1) exhausted 3) (1) abandon 4) (1) Pole 5) (1) on
VI Furthering listening and speaking Listening Task 1
(1) a couple of hours (4) regular passengers
(2) less than an hour (5) convenient (8) accidents
(3) fare (6) the same day
(9) large quantities of cargo
(7) conditions of aircraft (10) far away Task 2 1. D) Task 3 1. (1) best 2. (1) land
2. C)
3. D) 4. A) 5. B)
(2) none of them (2) wings (2) before
3. (1) small children 4. smoothly
5. (1) distributed evenly Viewing and speaking 1. (1) landing (4) present (7) publish
(2) clean it
(2) followed (5) succeeded (8) attention
(3) headed (6) arrested (9) happened (10) cheering (13) humorous
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(11) charge (14) missed
(12) dropped (15) get back