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Nike is exposed to the international nature of trade. It buys and sells in different currencies and so costs and margins are not stable over long periods of time. Such an exposure could mean that Nike may be manufacturing and/or selling at a loss. This is an issue that faces all global brands.

The market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive. The model developed by Phil Knight in his Stamford Business School days (high value branded product

manufactured at a low cost) is now commonly used and to an extent is no longer a basis for sustainable competitive advantage. Competitors are developing alternative brands to take away Nike's market share.

As discussed above in weaknesses, the retail sector is becoming price competitive. This ultimately means that consumers are shopping around for a better deal. So if one store charges a price for a pair of sports shoes, the consumer could go to the store along the street to compare prices for the exactly the same item, and buy the cheaper of the two. Such consumer price sensitivity is a potential external threat to Nike.

If you have a body, you are an athlete - Bill Bowerman said this a couple of decades ago. The guy was right. It defines how he viewed the world, and it defines how Nike pursues its destiny. Ours is a language of sports, a universally understood lexicon of passion and competition. A lot has happened at Nike in the 30 years More . . .

Disclaimer: This case study has been compiled from information freely available from public sources. It is merely intended to be used for educational purposes only.




优势S 认同并遵守公司制度 热爱学习,力求上进 员工心地无私 劣势W 薪酬待遇在行业中偏低 加班较多,导致员工疲惫 企业文化建设薄弱 WO战略 机会O SO战略 聘请管理顾问,大力推进企业文化组织结构正在调整 成立人力资源部,强化人力资源建设 股份制改造和上市管理 建立科学合理的绩效考核与薪酬制机会 后备干部的选拔、培养 度 威胁T 技术人才和熟练工流失 人员素质低 ST战略 成立培训部,通过持续的培训提WT战略 升员 高薪挽留部分人才 工素质;引入高素质人才 该公司决定确立三个改进弱项,由新成立的人力资源部和培训部开展弱项改进:

第一,改变公司目前使用的工资制度,建立科学合理的绩效考核与薪酬制度; 第二,建立内部培训制度,进行全员素质教育; 第三,大力推进企业文化建设.



