有限元分析软件ANSYS6.1ed 上机指南 机械工程系 材料加工技术研究所 石伟 孔劲
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →Through KPS →依次连接四个特征点,1(0.3,0),2(0.5,0),3(0.5,1),4(0.3,1) →OK
4.6 网格划分
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取两条水平边:OK→input NDIV: 5 →Apply→拾取两条竖直边:OK →input NDIV: 15 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
4.7 模型施加约束
9 分别给两条直边施加约束
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Thermal →Temperature →On Lines →拾取左边, Value: 500 →Apply(back to the window of apply temp on lines) →拾取右边,Value:100 →OK
4.8 分析计算
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
4.9 结果显示
ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, Temperature TEMP →OK
4.10 退出系统
ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
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有限元分析软件ANSYS6.1ed 上机指南 机械工程系 材料加工技术研究所 石伟 孔劲
Project5 超静定桁架的有限元建模与分析
计算分析模型如图5-1 所示, 习题文件名: truss。
1m 1m 1m 载荷:1.0e8 N
图5-1 超静定桁架的计算分析模型
5.1 进入ANSYS
程序 →ANSYSED 6.1 →Interactive →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: truss→Run 5.2设置计算类型
ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 5.3选择单元类型
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Link 2D spar 1 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Plane Strain →OK→Close (the Element Type window)
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Real Constants… →Add… →select Type 1→ OK→input AREA:0.25 →OK →Close (the Real Constants Window)
5.6生成几何模型 9 生成特征点
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有限元分析软件ANSYS6.1ed 上机指南 机械工程系 材料加工技术研究所 石伟 孔劲
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入四个点的坐标:input:1(1,1),2(2,1),3(3,1),4(2,0) →OK
9 生成桁架
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →Lines →Straight Line →依次连接四个特征点,1(1,1),2(2,1),3(3,1),4(2,0) →OK
5.7 网格划分
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →依次拾取三根杆:OK→input NDIV: 1 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: lines →Mesh→ Pick All (in Picking Menu) →Close( the Mesh Tool window)
5.8 模型施加约束
9 分别给1,2,3三个特征点施加x和y方向的约束
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Keypoints →拾取1(1,1),2(2,1),3(3,1)三个特征点 →OK →select Lab2:UX, UY → OK
9 给4#特征点施加y方向载荷
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Force/Moment →On Keypoints →拾取特征点4(2,0) →OK →Lab: FY, Value: -100e6 →OK
5.9 分析计算
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
5.10 结果显示
ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UY, Def + Undeformed →OK
5.11 退出系统
ANSYS Utility Menu: File → Exit → Save Everything→OK
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有限元分析软件ANSYS6.1ed 上机指南 机械工程系 材料加工技术研究所 石伟 孔劲
Project6 超静定梁的有限元建模计算
计算分析模型如图6-1 所示, 习题文件名: statically indeterminate beam
梁承受均布载荷:1.0e5 Pa
6.1 进入ANSYS
lm 图6-1 超静定梁的计算分析模型
lm 程序 →ANSYSED 6.1 →Interactive →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: statically indeterminate beam→Run 6.2设置计算类型
ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK 6.3选择单元类型
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Beam tapered 44 →OK(back to Element Types window) →Close (the Element Type window)
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Sections →Beam →Common Sectns →定义矩形截面:ID=1,B=0.01,H=0.1 →OK
6.6生成几何模型 9 生成特征点
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依次输入三个点的坐标:input:1(0,0),2(1,0),3(2,0),4(0,0,1) →OK
9 生成梁
ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →lines →Straight lines →依次连接三个特征点,1(0,0), 2(1,0),3(2,0) →OK
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有限元分析软件ANSYS6.1ed 上机指南 机械工程系 材料加工技术研究所 石伟 孔劲
9 显示梁体
ANSYS命令菜单栏:PlotCtrls >Style >Size and Style →/ESHAPE →On →OK 6.7 网格划分
Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Attributes →Picked lines →OK ANSYS Main Menu:
→拾取: SECT:1;Pick Orientation Keypoint(s):YES→拾取:4#特征点(0,0,1) →OK→Mesh Tool → (Size Controls) lines: Set →Pick All(in Picking Menu) →input NDIV:8 →OK (back to Mesh Tool window) → Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close (the Mesh Tool window)
6.8 模型施加约束
9 分别给1,2,3三个特征点加约束
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On Keypoints →拾取1,2,3 keypoints →OK →select All DOF → OK
9 施加y方向的载荷
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure → On Beams →Pick All →LKEY:2,VALI:100000 →OK
6.9 分析计算
ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
6.10 结果显示
ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu →select: DOF solution, UY, Def + Undeformed , Rotation, ROTZ ,Def + Undeformed→OK
6.11 退出系统
ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit →Save Everything→OK
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