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好的,各位游客,咱们的第一站到了,就是青岛的标志“栈桥”, 请大家带好随身携带的东西,随我下车,开始今天的旅程。如果大家经常喝我们青岛啤酒就会发现,我们青岛啤酒的标志就是栈桥。前海栈桥是青岛的象征,大家从远处看,小青岛小巧如螺,岛上树影婆娑,绿荫浓浓,一座白色灯塔亭亭玉立.小青岛既是青岛名字的来由。海湾的堤岸处是景色如画的栈桥公园.由公园正中突入海内的前海栈桥,与市内最繁华的中山路成一条直线,由海岸前伸入海,素有“长虹远引”之美誉。栈桥是青岛最早的码头。经1931年改建和1985年整修,现宽8米,全长440米。桥南端筑半圆形防波堤,堤内是一座具有民族风格的两层八角亭,金瓦朱壁,盔顶飞檐,题名“回澜阁”。栈桥划波斩浪,象一条长龙横卧于碧海银波。循桥渐入,仿佛走进大海的怀抱;伫立阁旁,层层巨浪澎湃涌来,拍打堤坝,击起万千碎玉;青岛栈桥进入阁内,沿螺旋楼梯登到楼上,四周尽是宽敞的大窗,放眼望去,又是另一番怡人风景,“飞阁回澜”因此被誉为“青岛十景”之一。现在,大家可以自由活动,游览拍照。半个小时后,我们在此集中,前往下一站。



朋友们,接下来我们要游览的是青岛市著名的风景区---八大关风景度假区。这里空气清新,环境优美,尤以绚丽多姿的西式别墅最负盛名,因其汇集众多的各国风格建筑,亦有“万国建筑博览会”之称。所谓八大关,是因为最初有八条以关隘命名的马路,故称’’八大关’,即韶关路、嘉峪关路、涵谷关路、正阳关路、临淮关路、宁武关路、紫荆关路、居庸关路。这里集中了俄式,英式,法式,德式,美式,等20多个国家的建筑风格,使不少电影工作者青睐这里.优美的环境使八大关风景区成为中外电影,电视外景拍摄的“天然摄影棚”。这十条马路纵横交错,形成一个方圆数里的风景区。特点是把公园与庭院结合在一起,十条马路两侧到处是郁郁葱葱的树木、四季盛开的鲜花。如韶关路全植碧桃,春季开花,粉红如带;正阳关路遍种紫薇,夏天盛开;居庸关路是五角枫,秋季霜染枫红,平添美色;紫荆关路两侧是成排的雪松,四季常青;宁武关路则是海棠……从春初到秋末花开不断,被誉为花街。八大关风景区正面对的是第二海水浴场,它的东端有一处伸入海中的岬角,花石楼就坐落于此处。现在大家看到是花石楼是八大关中最著名也是最有代表性的一栋别墅,此楼建筑面积753.7平方米,院内面积4.5亩。楼的主体共5层,顶层为观海台。花石楼据说是1932年由一位俄罗斯人格拉西莫夫修建,由于楼内由大理石贴墙面,楼外又砌鹅卵石,多年来人们一直称之为’’花石搂’’。它的建筑风格是典型的欧洲古堡式,又融入了希腊式和罗马式的风格,也有哥特式的建筑特色。在花石楼以西,有一大片褐色礁石群,这里海岸突兀,峭壁如同刀削,岸上遍植黑松.这里曲径纵横,沿长长的石阶下去,便到了第二海水浴场。德占青岛之初,德国总督常骑马到此狩猎,下海游泳,以后辟为海水浴场。中国政府收回青岛后定名为第二海水浴场,因地处太平湾,又称太平角海水浴场。解放以后,我国许多领导人都曾在这个浴场畅游过,留下了难忘的回忆.那么 1957年,毛泽东主席来青岛主持召开政治局会议和政治局扩大


好的,朋友们,我们现在将去望今天最后一站,青岛市著名的新城市广场——五四广场,它北依青岛市政府办公大楼,南临浮山湾,总占地面积10公顷。在广场南北中轴线上,隐式喷泉,点阵喷泉草坪,花坛,大型城市标志性雕塑—“五月的风”, 以及海上百米喷泉共同组成了充满生机,无比瑰丽的现代都市画卷。 “五月的风”采用火炬的造型,高达30米,直径27米,重500余吨,是目前我国体重最大的钢质雕塑,采用螺旋向上,腾空而起,充满动感的艺术造型和火热红艳的颜色,令人震撼,激人奋斗。这里已成为新世纪青岛的标志性景观之一。接下来往南边走就是“浮山湾”,青岛是北京举办2008年奥运会的惟一分会场,而这里就是帆船比赛的场地。大家可以看到这里是建设天型海上体育运动、海滨旅游及休闲娱乐设施的理想地带。区域内,陆地面积45万平方米,港池内海岸线总长度1300米,水域面积46.9万平方米,已建筑的600米防浪堤形成良好的港湾掩护条件。建设条件得天独厚,当初接受国际奥委会审核时,这一比赛地是所有奥运会单项比赛地中第一个通地审核的。 各位游客,今天的游览岛这里就结束了,希望我的讲解能够令各位满意,如果有任何意见可以向我提出,我将及时改正,为大家提供更好的服务,谢谢!


hello! i travel, the reception departments request, visits the tour to presence famous city qufu fellow welcome guests to express warmly welcome. i

fortunately accompany the visit for everybody tourguide, is extremely happy, this is we enjoys the study together the good opportunity. after looked please leave behind the valued suggestion.

first, briefly introduces qufu to everybody the history, the cultural relic survey.

historical city qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the

educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of kong zis the world hometown, menciuss native place, chinese nations first ancestor shaft yellow emperors birth place, the capital, discussed the yin native

country, the lu country capital. three emperors five emperors have four to live the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history. underground has the rich buried treasure, on has the multitudinous cultural relic. existing cultural relic 112, including the united nations to protect the unit, world

culture inheritance 3, national protection 4, provincial level 12, other for place city level protection.

heavy center seriously has a three two temples mausoleum, a three

mountains two forests temple. the confucian temple,

confucian residence, konglin, the popular name three, have the sacrificial offering china yuan saint duke of zhous temple, has sacrificial offering kong zi first big disciple duplicate saint yan hui the temple, the popular name two temples; a mausoleum is yellow emperor is born - - the long-lived earthen mound few mausoleums; three mountains; the kong zi place of birth nepal mountain, chinese grave group jiulongshan, small taishan - - nine (call nine mountains). two forests are: the world educates the child best mother forest, the kong zi parents buries liang gonglin; a temple is li bai, du fu writes poetry, responds,

bidding good-bye place, famous writer hole still no matter what national botanical garden shimen temple. we now look at the confucian temple.

confucian temple, also called to the confucian temple, is sacrificial offering kong zi and its madame qi guanshi and 72 talented peoples place. the confucian temple with beijings imperial palace, the hebei chende city summer vacation mountain village and calls chinese three big ancient

architectural complexes. the expert delivered four speeches to the confucian temple: the construction time most remote, greatest, the preservation most complete, the eastern

construction characteristic is most prominent. is worthy of looking at two questions from the confucian temple: one is kong zi to

the confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 b.c., the second year

which kong zi died constructs the temple. constructs temple three in the kong zi former dwelling, exhibits kong zis clothes, the vehicle, the book and so on, when year old offers sacrifices. all previous dynasties emperor all has the extension to the

confucian temple, counts overhaul 15, center repairs 31 times, the minor repair several hundred time achieves present the scale. the

confucian temple imitates system of the imperial palace construction, divides three groups layouts, nine courtyards, have altogether had house 466, gate pavilion 54, the thing relatively pass through in an axle wire, has nearly thousand, 327.5 chinese acres, long amounts to two chinese miles 150 meters. now saw the confucian temple is the bright hongzhi year scale. after the liberation the country allocates funds to service the protection many times. our country first batch announcement nation key cultural relic preservation organ, in december, 1994 included the world culture inheritance,

becomes cultural relic unit which the united nations protected, confucian temple

construction time remote, scale great, integrity of the preserved really was the world to be rare.

shinto. wan rengong wall front copal vigorous this duan luwei shinto. in front of the important temple all has the respect quick road which specially opens, is called shinto.

wan rengong wall. this gate is qufu ming chengzheng the nanmen, also is the confucian temple together gate, on hangs wan rengong the wall four large brush-written chinese characters, is the clear emperor qian longs

imperial brush. it originates from the kong zi self-satisfied disciple child tribute. when lu country congress feudal lord, some people proposed child tribute knowledge broad and profound, may place on a par with kong zi, the sub- tribute in the field, stands up immediately said, i may not dare with my mr./mrs. kong zi compared to, humans knowledge is just like a wall, my this wall only has one high, my teachers wall has the number to be many. meant that, my knowledge was equal to a shoulder chief is high, clear not any abstruse; kong zis

knowledge has my several fold to be many, passes through the detailed research, the comprehensive discussion, can

understand he complete after, crossed the threshold, can see america of the ancestor temple, outside the gate you is blind. the posterity in order to describe kong zis knowledge



