The Wenchuan earthquake creation of a rich database of building performance
The Wenchuan earthquake creation of a rich
database of building performance
【期刊名称】《中国科学》 【年(卷),期】2010(000)010
【摘要】After the Wenchuan earthquake,The Institute of Engineering Mechanics (IEM) performed an extensive and comprehensive damage survey of the large area affected by the earthquake. Seismic codes in China were revised and updated after the catastrophic 1976 Tangshan earthquake. However,until the Wenchuan earthquake the seismic code provisions were not tested by a large earthquake. Some 5000 buildings,exposed to intensities VI to XI,were investigated in great detail immediately after the earthquake. The investigation and the surveys covered both seismically designed (fortified) buildings and non-code compliant buildings. In the process a comprehensive and documented database of building performance was compiled,which would be very valuable
code,improvement of the construction practices,and disaster mitigation planning and management. The database dominantly contains the most prevalent structural types in the region: 1) reinforced and un-reinforced masonry structures; 2) masonry buildings with reinforced frame in the lower stories,and 3) reinforced concrete frame structures. Observed
The Wenchuan earthquake creation of a rich database of building performance