(德阳市产品质量监督检验所,四川德阳618000)摘要:建立了一种同时快速测定酱油中苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠、安赛蜜的高效液相色谱法$样D经水提 取,取离心后的上清液,过0. 22 %m滤膜,高效色谱仪(C18柱)分析$色谱条件:色谱柱为C18柱,柱温
35 °C,流动相为甲醇-0. 02 mol/L乙酸C (体积比为5 : 95),流速1. 0 mL/min,二极管阵列检测器检
测,以保留时间定性,外标法峰面积定量$结果表明,样D在10?100 mg/kg添加水平范围内,苯甲酸、 山梨酸、糖精钠、安赛蜜的回收率在90%?104%,相对标准偏差小于3%。该方法简便、准确,适用于酱 油中苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠、安赛蜜的快速检测$
关键词:高效液相色谱法;苯甲酸;山梨酸;糖精钠;安赛蜜中图分类号:TS202. 3 文献标志码:A doi:10. 3969/j. issn. 10009973. 2019. 08. 034文章编号:1000-9973(2019)08-0169-02Simulta neous and Rapid Determi natio n of Ben zoic Acid, Sorbic Acid,
Saccharin Sodium and Acesulfame in Soy Sauce by HPLCLIAO Min* , HOU Jiao-yan, LIU Ya-qin, ZHANG Zhu-yang, WAN Feng-ying
Abstract: A rapid and simultaneous determination method for benzoic acid\sorbic acid\saccharin
sodium and acesulfame in soy sauce by high performance liquid chromatography is established. Samples are
extracted by water, the supernatant after centrifugation is taken and analyzed by 0. 22 %m filter
membrane and high performance liquid chromatography (C18 column). Chromatographic conditions: chromatographic column is C18 , column temperature is 35 °C , mobile phase is methano-0. 02 mol/L
ammonium acetate (volume ratio of 5 : 95) , flow rate is 1. 0 mL/min, detected by diode array detector , qualified by retain time , quantified by external standard method peak area. The results show that the recoveries of benzoic acid , sorbic acid , saccharin sodium and acesulfame are 90 % ?104% and the
relative standard deviations are less than 3 % when samples are in the range of 10?100 mg/kg adding
levels. The method is simple , accurate and suitable for rapid determination of benzoic acid , sorbic acid , saccharin sodium and acesulfame in soy sauce.Key words: HPLC; benzoic acid; sorbic acid; saccharin sodium; acesulfame酱油是以大豆、面粉等粮食作物为主要原料的传 统调味品⑴。为了保持酱油的鲜度,延长其保存期,常 在酱油中添加苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾等食品防腐剂閃, 但用量过多会对人体有一定的毒害作用。而安赛蜜是
准食品添加剂使用标准》中规定酱油中苯甲酸、山梨 酸、安赛蜜的使用限量均为1. 0 g/kg,而糖精钠则不 允许在酱油中添加使用。目前对酱油中防腐剂和甜味
酱油中常用于改善口感的一种甜味剂。苯甲酸、山梨 酸、糖精钠、安赛蜜是目前我国食品中常用的几种人工
剂的检测方法主要有气相色谱法、高效液相色谱法、离 子色谱法旧。其中,液相色谱法对样品前处理有多种 方法,比如加亚铁氧化钾-乙酸锌沉淀剂、分散液液微
合成防腐剂和甜味剂。对于食品添加剂的用量,我国 均有严格的规定。GB 2760—2014.食品安全国家标收稿日期:2019 —03 —19
*通讯作者萃取、固相萃取等。而本方法采用纯水提取样品,简化 样品前处理,加快了分析速度,操作简易,灵敏度高,
作者简介:廖敏(1982 — ),女,工程师,主要从事食品检验方面的研究。169
HPLC法同时快速测定酱油中的苯甲酸、山梨酸、糖精钠、安赛蜜 - 论文