Transmission all-plastic cable
申请(专利)号: SK500722012U
专利号: SK6507Y1 主分类号: H01B7
申请权利人: MURAT, S.R.O. 公开国代码: SK 优先权国家: SK
摘 要:
Remote insulated cable for
telecommunications, information and control devices, especially for railways. Veins formed by core fitted with insulation from polyethylene foam are twisted into cross-fours, the four twisted in concentric layers form the core (1) of the cable.
Gaps between the twisted fours are filled by bundle of water blocking material and the core (1) is overlaid with tape wrapped at least one tape of the water-blocking material. Protection of the core (1)
consists of a layered mantle (2) of Al tape covered by plastic film on one side, coupled with a plastic sheath, whereby the number of types of the cross-fours constituting the core (1) is two or more. Cores of the veins of the cross-fours of the one type (6) have a thickness of polyethylene foam insulation
corresponding to operating capacity of one type (6) of the cross-fours at 800 Hz 28 nF/km + 12% and in case of the other types (7,8) of the cross-fourth the cores of
申请日: 2012-08-15 公开公告日: 2013-09-03
分类号: H01B7;
H01B7/02; H01B11; H01B11/02 发明设计人: OKALI DANIEL;
优先权: 20120815 SK
摘 要 附 图:
the veins have insulation thickness of polyethylene foam corresponding to
operating capacity of the pairs of veins of other types (7,8) at 800 Hz 35 nF/km + 12% or 37 nF/km + 12%. Specific type of the cross-four contains only the veins of the same core diameter. Cable cores diameters are 0.8 mm and/or 1.0 mm and/or 1.2 mm and/or 1.3 mm. 主权项:
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Transmission all-plastic cable