【期刊名称】《中国病案》 【年(卷),期】2017(018)012
【摘要】在当今日益增长的医疗服务需求背景下,常态化的急诊医疗资源分配已远不能满足急诊就诊患者的需求,急诊医疗管理也面临着新的机遇和挑战.本文通过研究北京市某三级甲等医院急诊科现状,以协同理论作为理论支撑,深入分析地理空间与区域急诊医疗特点,进一步提高急诊属地化管理能力和医疗服务能力.提出明确急诊发展定位、统一医疗质量标准、整合急诊医疗资源、制定学科人才规划的对策建议,为今后开展急诊管理提供一个思考路径.%In today's growing demand for medical services under the background of emergency medical resources cannot meet the needs of patients, emergency management is facing new opportunities and challenges. In this paper, the emergency department of a third-grade class-A in Beijing as the research object, through the synergetic theory as the theoretical support, to further improve the emergency management localization ability and the ability of medical services, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to optimize emergency management, emergency management for the future to provide a path of thinking. 【总页数】4页(48-51)
【关键词】急诊;协同;属地化管理 【作者】张祎欢;王宇