(作者张强,文章选自《2014 中国散文年选》,有删改)
21.下列对文章的赏析,不恰当的一项是( ) ...A.②段表达了“我”对现在村庄里听不见乌鸦的声音的遗憾与失落之情。
B.③⑦两段,对“村庄的乌鸦都哪儿去了”进行追问,旨在引起读者注意和思考。 C.④段汲水的女子与乌鸦的关系,不能够代表“我”记忆中的村庄与乌鸦的关系。 D.⑥段提到的外出打工农民,像城市化的乌鸦一样抛弃了村庄,迷失在城市里。 22.文章运用了哪些艺术手法?请找出两种,并举例说明。(4 分)
23.请谈谈你对第⑩段中“我不敢相信,也不愿相信”这句话的理解。(4 分)
五、本大题 1 小题,共 40 分
24.阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。(40 分)
当身患绝症的母亲得知自己将不久人世,她会给年幼的孩子留下些什么呢?年轻 的千惠身患癌症,在离世前,她“逼着”年仅 4 岁的女儿阿花开始学做各种家务,扫 地切菜,煲汤,刷马桶,准备上幼儿园的衣物??千惠离世后,阿花能够照顾好自己。 这件事引起网友的争论,有人认为千惠对孩子过于狠心,有人认为千惠给孩子留 下了最宝贵的遗产?
以上材料引发你怎样的感悟与思考?请结合你的生活体验, 写一篇不少于 700 字 的文章,自选角度,自拟题目,不限问题(诗歌除外),不得抄袭,不得套作。
1、 D 2、 A 3、 B
4、 A 5、 A 6、 B 7、 D 8、 B 9、 B 10、 11、
(1) 抱布贸丝 来即我谋
(2) 师不必贤于弟子 术业有专攻 (3) 无边落木萧萧下 不尽长江滚滚来
(4) 问君能有几多愁 恰似一江春水向东流
12、 C 13、 C 14、 D 15、 (1)其余那些祖辈和父辈收藏(的书籍),子辈孙辈随便丢弃的就更不用说了。 (2)只不过我把书公开,慷慨出借和姓张的吝惜书籍,(不肯出借,)似乎并 不相同。 16、 D 17、 首联写“雪后到乾明寺”。温庭筠《侠客行》:“白马夜频惊,三更灞陵雪”。韦庄《和 同年韦学士华下途中见寄》:“马惊门外山如活。”第一句即化用温庭筠,韦庄诗意,用“马亦惊”来烘托漫山皆雪,一片银色世界。一开头就给人造成强烈的印象,起笔不凡,第二句以 “阶前屐齿”写“到乾明寺”,以“我先行”,写他对雪景的酷爱――以先赏为快。 18、 D 19、 C 20、 D 21、 C 22、 (1)第四段乌鸦与“女子”的嬉戏,渲染了过去岁月里人与自然和谐美好的情景,
表达了作者对此的向往和如今不再的怅然之情。 (2)“乌鸦掠过村庄”是一种象征,表意形象,寓意深远。曾经它是美好的村庄的一份子, 如今它掠过村庄,飞向城市,不再复返。通过“乌鸦”的行为揭示了自然美好的事物在所谓 现代文明冲击下被异化的现实,并引发人们的深刻的反思。
23、 “我不相信,也不愿意相信”,是对城市化的乌鸦不能反哺的不满,对美好事物的
绝密★启封前 试卷类型A
阅读下列简短对话,从A、B、C和D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 1.—Happy New Year! —__________.
A. The same to you B. I hope so. C. That’s a good idea. D. That’s OK. 2.—It’s a very kind of you to see me off. —__________.
A. No problem. B. I hope to see you soon. C. It’s my pleasure. D. I don’t want you to leave. 3.—I had a pleasant weekend on the farm. —__________.
A. Enjoy yourself. B. It’s your pleasure. C. Congratulations. D. I’m glad to hear that. 4.—Do you mind if I turn on the TV?
—__________. Let’s watch the sports news now. A. No way. B. Go ahead. C. You’d better not. D. I think so. 5.—I’m sorry I’ve broken the window. —__________. I’ll repair it. A.I will forgive you. B. You are so careless. C. Don’t worry. D. Please take care. II. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
In my town,people like to give smile cards to those who have received help. And the receivers continue to help others. With those cards, people enjoy helping and being helped.
I got some smile cards and used three of them just yesterday!
I used the first smile card when I was getting my dogs some food in a pet store. A man walked up to look at collars (项圈), looking puzzled. He asked me if I knew anything about dogs and collars, which actually I was quite familiar with. I helped him choose one. I hope it would work for his dog. When he said thanks, I handed him a smile card. He smiled and said he would help someone as soon as possible.
That was amazing! Then in a supermarket, when I was paying the bill, a grandma was trying to get her granddaughter out of a basket. I offered to help her, and she said “Yes, please.” Later she told me that she had just had an operation and couldn’t lift things very well. After getting the baby girl out, I handed her my second smile card.
Then I paid for someone’s food in a small restaurant and left behind the third smile card.
I felt very happy yesterday. It was great to help others and leave behind smile cards. I believe that more and more people will get happiness from receiving and giving smile cards. 6.How can a person get smile cards?
A.From stores B.By receiving help C.From friends D.By offering help 7.The author went to a pet store to .
A.buy dog food B.buy a dog C.sell cards D.play cards 8.Why did the author think that he could help the man?
A.He worked there. B.He saw the man’s dog.
C.The man was one of his friends. D.He was quite familiar with the collars and dogs. 9.The grandma could not lift her granddaughter well after . A. hard work B. much talk C. an operation D. a long walk 10.Where did the author use the third smile card?
A. In a pet store B.In a supermarket C.In a restaurant D.In a hospital
People love Shakespeare’s vocabulary and creativity. He used more than 15,000 words in this writing! But Bible’s Old Testament (旧约圣经) only contains 5,642 words, Shakespeare also invented many new terms and phrase.
If someone’s behavior suggested they were not honest and should not be trusted. Shakespeare called them suspicious. If someone was silly and perhaps looked like a fool, Shakespeare found their actions laughable. And for those who offered their opinions on something’s quality, Shakespeare called them critics (评论家). Today, foe instance, food critics and film critics give their opinions on food and film.
The familiar phrase “break the ice” comes from Shakespeare’s play The Taming of the Shrew. The “ice is broken” when people in a group, who have never met before, begin to talk to each other by doing some activities. More common words were first used by Shakespeare including “road”, “gossip”, “lonely”, “bump” and “hurry”.
Four hundred years after his death. Shakespeare surely lives on, in everyday speech, as he most famous writer of all time.
11. Shakespeare’s writings contain __________.
A. over 15,000 words B. less than 15,000 words C. only 5,642 words D. less than 5,642 words
12. Which of following can replace the underlined word “suspicious” on Paragraph 2? A. meaningful B. doubtful C. thoughtful D. powerful 13. Whose actions are considered laughable from Paragraph 2? A. Dishonest people’s B. Silly’s people C. Food critics D. Film critics
14. According to Paragraph3, the phrase “break the ice” comes from __________. A. a poem B. a film C. a novel D. a play 15. What may be the best title for the text?
A. Famous Words in Shakespeare’s Plays B. Shakespeare’s Influence on English C. The Famous Writer --- Shakespeare D. Shakespeare’s Great Life
A young woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years. She regretted it immediately and would like to do anything to take the words back.what she had said hurt her friend so much that her woman herself also felt very painful. To make up what she had done, she
went to an old wise man in the village and ask for advice.
The old man understood the young woman’s suffering. He know he must help her. He knew he could never remove her pain, but he could teach. And he also knew the result would depend only on her character.
“Tonight, take your beat feather pillows and put single feather on the doorstep of each house in the village before the sun rises,” he said.
The young woman hurried home to prepare for it , even though the feather pillows were very dear to her. All night long ,she made her efforts alone in the cold. Finally it got light and she places the last feather on the step of the last house. Just as the sun rise , she returned to the old man.
“Now ,” said the man, “ go back and refill your pillows with the feathers you have put on the steps. Then every thing will be as it was before.”
“You know that’s impossible! The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the doorsteps!” The young woman was surprised.
“That’ s true,” said the old man. “Each of your words is like a feather in the wind. Once your words are spoken, no matter how much effort you make and how sincere you are, you can never return them to your mouth. Choose your words well and protect people you love from being hurt.” 16. The young woman suffered from ________ .
A. her friend’s advice B. the old man’s advice C. what she had said D. what her friend had said 17. According to Paragraph 2, the old man _______ .
A. could remove her pain B.knew a lot about her character
C. refused to teach her D. decided to help her learn something 18. When did the woman come back to the old man?
A. At sunrise B. At midnight C. In the evening D. In the afternoon
19. After the women came back to him, the old man advised her to _______. A. put the feathers back to the pillows B. make some now pillows C. take away the feathers D. Find more feathers 20. What can we learn from the story? A. Taking one’ s advice before doing. B. Thinking carefully before speaking.
C. Asking for advice when you have troubles. D. Talking to people when you have troubles.
Ⅲ. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
When I was in high school, the future seemed vary far away. Now I’m 21 and I think about those days a lot, I 22 things that I should have done. I also remember things that benefited a lot.
I have only one 23 about the time I spent in high school. I should have 24 more advanced classes. For example, I had the opportunity to take and advanced English class, but
I 25 to take the regular class. I made that decision because I didn’t want to 26 too hard. I also wanted to 27 more time playing with my friends. Now I’m college and have to take more English classes. I wish I had studied harder in high school!
I’m glad that I had an 28 to take part in after-class activities. I was member of the