题型:1.易错字音字形 2.标点 3.病句辨析 4.句子排序 5.手法6.文言句式等 1、下列有关文学常识和课文内容的表述不正确的一项是( )
B.雨果是19世纪法国浪漫主义最杰出的代表,他主张“美丑对照原则”。在《炮兽》中,就充满种种对照;血肉之躯和钢铁猛兽,灵巧和粗鲁,理性和野性,智慧和野蛮,还有斗勇和智取,以及动与静……显示出浪漫主义文学的瑰丽特色。 C.
2、下列各项中,关于小说理论的表述不正确的是一项是( )
题型:1.偶函数 2.向量 3.解不等式 4.集合等
1.方程 表示焦点在y轴上的椭圆,则实数m的取值范围是( ) A.(-1 ,2) B.(-2,1) C.(1, 2) D.(-2 ,2 ) 2.已知等差数列{an}满足a2+a4=4,a3+a5=10,则a5+a7=( ) A.16 B.18 C.22 D.28
4.与两个相交平面的交线平行的直线和这两个平面的位置关系是( )
A.都相交 B.在这两个平面内 C.平行 D.至少和其中一个相交 5. | x-2 | ≥ | 2x-1 | 的取值范围
6.函数y= | x-2 | 和y= kx-1有且只有一个交点,求k的取值范围 7.如右图,直线L1、L2、L3的斜率的大小关系为( ) A. k1>k2>k3 B.k1>k3>k2 C. k1 A.若向量a与向量b共线,向量b与向量c共线,则向量a与向量c共线 B.向量a、b、c共面就是它们所在的福州红杉教育直线共面 C.零向量没有确定的方向 D.若向量a∥向量b,则存在唯一的实数λ使得向量a=λ向量b 9.g(x)=f(x)+x是偶函数,f(1)=3,f(-1)为多少 2 英语 题型:语法+理解 反义疑问句 被动过去分词 过去时,现在时等 1.The great use of the school education is not so much to teach you things to teach the art of learning. A.rather than B.than C.nor D.as 2.Travelling from England to Scotland you . A.needn’t B.don’t need to have a passport C.needn’t to have a passport D.don’t need take a passport 3.Though many ectra plans and trains are used to carry passengers,traffic tools are still ______needed during “May Day”holidays A.badly B.eagerly C.slightly D.equally 4.What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with?-I choose my friend on their character and how we_____ A.get in B.get on C.get up D.get off 5.I’m terribly sorry,but I made a mistake again.-_______,practice more you will success A.Certainly not B.Don’t mention it B.You’re welcome D.Never mind 6.It’s sad that an Asian Culture Village______inside the AYG Village in Nanjing in the coming Asian Youth Games period. A. was built B. is building C.builds D.will be built 7.Everything was placed ______where he wanted it for the party, with which he was very satisfied. A. Exactly B.officially C. entirely D. gradually 8.Each year quite a lot of food______around the word,It’s really time for us to do something. A.wasted B.was wasted C.will be wasted D.is wasted 9.—How many English words do you think I should know? —As many as you ______. Then you will find reading quite easy. A.Will B.might C.Must D.can 10.Agreements were made ______Germany,Italy and France. A.among B.within C.between D. 不清楚 11.Do you think the ____of this suits me?—of course!You always look beautiful in red. A. size B. design C. price D. color 3 12.In America,people start celebrating the New Year____ 31st December. A.in B.at C.on D.for 13.Before the bridge was built____the river,the villagers had to take a boat to the other side. A.in B.beside C.along D.across 13.Fuzhou HongShan EDU original 14.Which team do you think____the game? Hard to say.There are still ten minutes before it ends. A.wins B.has won C.won D.will win 15.It’s that the small town you often refer to? —Right,just the one you know I used to work for years. A. that B. what C. which D.where 16.Being honest is the first______if you want to make friends with others. A.hand B.job C.time D.step 17.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it____be rather cold sometime. A.should B.would C.must D.can 18. My new shoes are a bit tight and both my feet_____after a long day of work. A.harm B.wound C.injure D.hurt 19.Jim is______good basketball player.He plays in our school team. A.the B.a C.an D./ 20.Hi, guys.How was your party yesterday?—Wonderful!We had a big meal and enjoyed __________. A.yourselves B.themselves C.ourselves D. myself 21.We don't let anyone try a dangerous trick_____we know that they are skilled enough to perform it safely. A.because B.when C.if D.unless 22.-What do you think of the movie by Zhao Wei? —Terrific.I like_______very A.her B.it C.him D.you 23.Are you sure you can do well in today’s test, Lucy? - ________. I’ve got everything ready. A. It’s hard to say B. I hope no C. I think so D.I’m afraid not 4 文综+文常 1.金星昼夜温差小于地球的主要原因是( ) A.多火山喷发导致的二氧化碳过浓 B.稠密的大气层形成的热惯性 C.距离太阳最近受到太阳辐射最强 D.自转速度过快 2.高山陡峭处土壤肥力低的原因是( ) A.风力侵蚀作用显著 B.地表火山岩裸露 C.地面物质流失快 D.垂直地带性差异显著 3.以下哪个行星距太阳最远( ) A.冥王星 B.海王星 C.火星 D.木星 4.云贵高原以什么地貌为主( ) A.雅丹地貌 B.冰缘地貌 C.喀斯特地貌 D.丹霞地貌 5.图中 曲线表示发达国家的人口变化, 曲线表示发展中国家的人口变化 6.文艺复兴的起源于( ) A.法国 B.英国 C.意大利 D.西班牙 7.辛亥革命的意义是( ) A.推翻了封建统治 B.建立自由平等的新中国 C.推翻帝国主义的统治 D.实行了君主立宪制 7.福州红杉教育第一届艺考生全校平均分是( ) A.402分 B.422分 C.442分 D.462分 8.宋朝政府行政效率低下原因是( ) A.冗兵 B.冗官 C.冗费 D.冗税 9.欧盟的创始国家最早签订的条约是( ) A.《欧洲煤炭与钢铁共同体条约》 B.《欧洲经济共同体条约》 C.《欧洲原子能共同体条约》 D.《欧洲联盟条约》 10.毛泽东《沁园春·雪》中,“惜秦皇汉武”,武是指( ) A.刘翔 B.刘彻 C.刘恒 D.刘启 5