1 In what way do we say English is an inflectional language?(厦门大学2006研)
2 Illustrate lexical change proper with the latest examples in English, covering at least four aspects.(大连外国语学院2008研)
3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Immediate Constituent Analysis(IC Analysis)(北京交通大学2006研)
4 Illustrate \(大连外国语学院2008研)
4 For each of the following pairs of sentences, discuss how the two sentences are different from each other.(南京大学2006研)
5 A.His carelessness I can't bear.B. I can't bear his carelessness.
6 A.A dagger killed the tourist.B. The tourist was killed with a dagger.
7 A.A hurricane killed eight people.B. Eight people died in a hurricane.
8 Describe with tree diagrams the transformations involved in forming the question \(南开大学2007研)
9 What, in your view, makes a text a text, rather than a series of unconnected utterances? What are the implications of your answer for second language teaching?(北外2006研)
9 The English sentences given below are ungrammatical. You are required to give the syntactic explanation to the ungrammaticality in each of the sentences.(南开大学2011研)
10 * Jack put his ball.
11 * I wonder Michael walked the dog.
12 * Frank thinks himself is a superstar.
13 What are the similarities and differences between a phrase and a clause?(中山大学2011研)
14 Explain the seven types of meaning and use examples to illustrate your ideas.(人大2007研;南开大学2004研)
15 Discuss sense, denotation and reference, using Chinese examples to illustrate your points.(北外2008研)
16 Words are in different sense relations with each other. What sense relation is
illustrated in each of the pairs of words below? Add one more example to each pair.(北航2008研)
(a)casual - informal (b)intelligent - stupid (c)steal - steel (d)animal - dog
17 For each of the following pairs of words, state the principal reason why they may not be considered to be synonyms:(浙江大学2005研)
a. man boy b. toilet loo c. determined stubborn d. pavement sidewalk e. slim skinny f. move run
18 Put the following words in a hierarchical order(you can use a tree diagram if need be)and try to define at least two of them:(北师大2003研)
crocodile, mammal, reptile, rabbit, primate, animal
18 Study the following exchange and then answer the questions that follow.(南京大学2006研)
I've had nothing yet, Alice replied in an offended tone, \
19 Why was Alice offended?
20 What is the problem with the March Hare's remark? What is the linguistic issue involved here?
21 Consider the following statements. When do we say Statement A entails Statement B? When do we say Statement A presupposes Statement B? Does Statement A necessarily entail Statement C? Why? Do Statements A and D both presuppose Statement B? Why?(南京大学2008研)
A. Jack's brother has gone bankrupt. B. Jack has a brother.
C. Jack's sibling has gone bankrupt. D. Jack's brother has not gone bankrupt.
22 In each of the following sentences, the second part cancels some information given by the first part. However, this seems to result in quite acceptable utterances in group(l)and in very awkward utterances in group(2). Explain why.(北外2002研) Group(1)
b.我只喜欢黄色和蓝色,不过试试红色也未尝不可。 c.约翰的普通话说得还可以,确切地说是非常棒。 Group(2)
d.我特后悔选修了这门课,其实我没有选修这门课。 e.她这次考试又不及格,不过她上次及格了。 f.我在乡下日子过得很苦,说真的我没在乡下呆过。