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Step 4 Practising

Discovering useful structures (page 37)

1. In groups, look at these pairs of sentences. Discuss the difference between A and B in

each pair. Also discuss which is the better sentence, A or B and Why.(page 37) 2. Rewrite these sentences taking out the unnecessary parts.

1) The burn that she got from the iron was red and ( it was )very painful

2) A boy was on the left side of the sick woman, and a girl was on the right (side of

the sick woman.)

3) She has a daughter (who is) in hospital.

4) He went to the doctor because he had to go to( the doctor).

5) Did she pass the first aid test that she did yesterday (or didn’t she pass)?

6) She could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not (to send him to


7) When your nose is bleeding, you should bend forward so that the blood runs out

of your nose and( the blood) doesn’t run down your throat.

8) Only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the students

haven’t (done a first aid course).

3. These sentences are correct. However, one or more words have been left out. Rewrite

each sentence on the top of the next page to include the missing words.

1) The cottage (that is) surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.

2) The first book I read this term was more interesting than the second (book I read

this term).

3) To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than(it was)


4) I don’t think they have returned from the hospital, but they might have ( returned

from the hospital).

5) He wanted to help the accident victim but his friend didn’t (want to help the

accident victim).

6) You can borrow my first aid notes if you want to (borrow my first aid notes).

Show the students the slides with some multiple choices exercises about the Ellipsis.

1)---- Tomorrow is a holiday. Why are you doing your homework?

-----I am doing these exercises now so that I won’t have _____ on Sunday. A. it B. them C. for D. to

2)----Shall I invite Ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening? ----Yes. It’ll be fine if you______.

A. are B. can C. invite D. do 3)---- Aren’t you the manager? -----No, and I______

A. don’t want to B. don’t want to be C. don’t want be D. don’t want

4)---- I’ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? -----Not at all______.

A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to 5)----- Won’t you have another try? ------ ________.

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A. Yes, I will have B. Yes, I won’t have C. Yes, I won’t D. Yes, I will

6)-----I won’t do it any more. -----_______?

A. Why not B. Why don’t do any more C. Why not do D. Why don’t 7)-----Do you think it will snow tomorrow? ------______?

A.I don’t think B. No, I don’t think C. I don’t think so D. No, I don’t so 8)-----Have you fed the cat? ------No, but______.

A. I’m B. I am C. I’m just going D. I’m just going to Step5 Homework:

1. Go over the usage of Ellipsis.

2. Finish listing structures on Page 71 Ex 1 and Ex 2 3. Prepare Reading and discussing on Page 38 Period 4. Reading task : Heroic teenager receives award

Step One Revision: Show the students a slide with some new words What is the Chinese meaning of them? Present

Put their hands on ceremony bravery towels

pressure A number ofAmbulance

Step Two Reading and listening

1. Skimming the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that they happened.

_4_ The attacker ran away.

_1_ Anne was attacked and started to scream. _6_ John performed first aid on Anne _2_ John was studying in his house. _7_ The ambulance arrived.

_3_ John ran outside with his father.

_5_ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds. 2. Listen to the tape and answer the questions 1) What was John honoured for?

2) What did John do when he heard the screaming? 3) What happened to Anne? 4)What saved Ms slade’s life?

5) What first aid did John perform on Anne?What adjs would you use to describe John’s actions? Give at least thre Step Three Discussion

1.Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation? Give reasons. 2.Would you have done the same as John ? Give reasons

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3.Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid? Give reasons.

Step Four Language study

Difficult sentences

1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another. be presented with sth: be given withWhich 引导一个定语从句

Who引导一个定语从句They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabled repeatedly with a knife.

2.Repeatedly 是由动词repeat的过去分词加-ly构成。类似的词汇有: Excitedly 兴奋地 Contentely 满足

Worriedly 焦急地 unexpectedly 出乎意料

3.John used these to dress the most severe injuries to Ms Slade’s hand. Dress: 敷裹,包扎Tom had to return to the camp to dress his injuries. Immediately after his wound was dressed, he went to work.

4. It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade’s life.

It is … that… 强调句

It was his words that hurt her.

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