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浙江省宁波市2020届高三适应性考试(二模)英语试题 Word版含答案

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听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。.

1 . Where will the boy probably go next?

A. To his bedroom. B. To the classroom. A. On Tuesday.

C. To the bathroom

2. When was Janet supposed to give her presentation?

B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.

3. What is Chase's hobby?

A. Writing books. B. Skiing outside. C. Collecting stamps. 4.What does the man want to know?

A. Where the sign-up sheet is. B. When he can take the field trip?

C. Whether the woman will go on the field trip. 5. What does the woman think of Facebook?

A. It isn't very reliable. B. It is a respectable news source. C. It tries to provide too much news. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5,满分22.5分

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. According to the woman, what do most people forget about Coke?

A. It has caffeine. B. It's full of sugar. C. It makes them thirsty. 7.What was the original function of Coke?

A. Helping digestion. B, Replacing tea.

C. Treating headache.


8. Where are the speakers going to sleep?

A. In a cabin. B. By the water. A. His father.

C. At the meeting point.

9. Who introduced the man to the location?

B. His uncle. C. His brother.

10. How will the speakers get water?

A. From the other guys. B. From the car. C. From the river. 听下面一段对话,回答第11至13题。 11. Why is the man so nervous?

A. He will take a driver's test. B. He will drive a different route. C. He will be driving for the first time. 12. Who is the Man probably talking to?

A. His mother.

B. His classmate. C. His driving coach.

13. What is so difficult about Blue Mountain Road?”

A. It's a narrow mountain road. B. The speed limit changes here. C. The entire road is a school zone. 听下面一段对话,回答第14至17题.

14. Why does Vivian turn up the music so loud?

A. It helps her study.

B. She feels a bit down.

C. The sound outside is hard to tolerate.

15. What does Vivian do at first when her fa±er asks about the loud music?

A. She turns it off.

B. She turns down the volume C. She plugs in her headphones.

16. Why does Vivian's father want her:to be careful about the volume?

A. He can't concentrate on his work B. He thinks it is bad for her hearing.

C. It will be better to listen to music with a hearing aid. 17. How does Vivian feel about her father's warnings in the end?

A. Annoyed. B. Amused. C. Surprised, 听下面一段独白,回答第18至20

18. According to the talk,what is the Great Wall Marathon known for?

A. Its difficulty, B. Its long distance. C. Its endless scenery.

19. How far must a half marathon runner go before the first water station?

A. One kilometer, B. Four kilometers. C. Eight kilometers. 20. What should runners be very careful about?

A. Fast runners.

B. Cars on the road. C. Getting too thirsty.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)



Do you have a job? If you do, you’ll know the world of work can be tough -long hours, boring tasks and stress. But it can bring benefits too, such as a regular salary. Maybe that's why more of us are now taking on a side hustle - another name for a second job.

For Some having two jobs is a necessity -- a way to make ends meet and provide extra income. But it now seems that more people want to put their skills and passions into practice to make money. These tend to be entrepreneurial young people who want to work on their own projects alongside their main source of income.

According to Henley Business School, around one in four workers run at least one side hustle business, half of which were started in the past two years. Those aged 25 to 34 are most likely to be involved, with 37 percent thought to run a sideline of some kind. It calculates that the average side hustler makes about 20 percent of their income through their second job.

But what's interesting is that many millennials (千禧一代)are turning their hand to new jobs not just for money and security. Research has found that almost three-quarters of people are following a passion or exploring a new challenge. Becci Mai Ford, who works some of the time for a

telecommunications company to pay the bills, spends the rest of her time developing her craft company. She says going full-time is \happy\

Of course having a side hustle means you are self-employed, which can give you flexibility to work when you like, but it can be risky. You sometime work on a zero-hours contract and may not get offered enough work. Or what was originally your passion may become more of a chore. However; this could be the best way to try out a new career or follow a passion while not giving up the day job.

21. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the reason for people to take on a side hustle?

A. To make money.

B. To obtain job satisfaction.

C. To have the flexibility to work. D. To enjoy a risky lifestyle.

22. The author explains the study from Henley Business School by . A. describing the process B. making a comparison C. presenting research findings

D. analyzing cause and effect

23. What is the author's attitude towards having a second job?

A. Critical. B. Indifferent. C. Neutral.

D. Favorable:


With Chinese consumers hit by quarantine (隔离期)and travel restrictions as well as just cautious about going out to the shops due to the coronavirus epidemic(流行病),companies in China are experimenting with new tricks to make sales.

Oil giant Sinopec - keen to get customers back in their cars and help farmers due to roadblocks - launched a new project last month called \Chinese cities. Consumers place and pay for orders on the app and when they drive up, gas station employees put the vegetables into their car trunk, eliminating any need for human-to-human contact. \, vice president of Sinopec's convenience store sales division. \food is pretty rigid.\

Mengniu Dairy, China's dairy producer, is racing to add more vending machines to the 10,000 it currently has, saying the epidemic has driven unexpectedly strong demand for the sales channel. Its system allows customers to order products like ‘milk and yoghurt online which can then be picked up from their local vending machine %unwilling to go to the supermarket,\

Luckin Coflfee, a competitive rival to Starbucks, now also offers the sanitizer (消毒) products (e.g.

hand soap) besides coffee. Liu Xingliaging, an independent retait analyst, said, however, that Luckin's strategy would have only a modest impact. “At best some users will place an order when they buy coffee, but nobody is deliberately choosing the Luckin app just to buy sanitizer”

24. According to the passage, why did some companies adopt new selling methods?

A. Citizens were not allowed to go out.

B. The demand for travel and food declined sharply. C. The coronavirus epidemic changed people's way of life.

D. Companies desired to grasp the chance to defeat their competitors.

25. What does the underlined word \2 most probably refer to?

A. meeting

B. removing C. decreasing D. limiting

26. The passage is written mainly to .

A. illustrate the difficulty caused by the coronavirus epidemic B. explain the changes made by some companies in the epidemic

C. describe the challenges some companies met during the epidemic D. reveal the intelligence people showed in the coronavirus epidemic


People may set an alarm on the phone or clock that sounds like this: beep beep beep. That hard, unpleasant sound may be making it harder to shake off the sleepy feeling in the morning known as grogginess. So, is there a better way to wake up? A recent study says yes. The answer is music .

The study, carried out by researchers in Australia, involved 50 people. The researchers found that people who wake up to musical alarms reported feeling more awake and alert. Stuart McFarlane, a lead writer of the study stated, \sound to be more successful;” at waking up a person.

Sleep inertia is another term for grogginess. It means a person has a heavy feeling when waking up, and has trouble getting moving again after sleeping. McFarlane said people need to better understand sleep inertia's harmful effects on human performance later in the day.

Not everyone will experience the full effect. But for those who do, \\when performing duties that require a top performance within this period, he said. This includes \like driving or riding our bikes\dangerous situations shortly after they wake, including firefighters and pilots.

So, what makes musical alarms better for waking up? The researchers think the music may be more successful in reducing sleep inertia because it has several tones, compared to the single tone of a \alarm. McFarlane said that the changes over time between the music tones may help increase a person's attention when waking from sleep.

And is there a kind of music that is best to wake up to? There may be, McFarlane said. \suggest alarm sounds that are tune full and easy to hum or sing along with. The current sounds I have been using include “Close to me' by the Cure and 'Borderline' by Madonna.\

No matter how you wake up, experts say, the amount of sleep you get also matters 一 a lot. 27. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. What is grogginess?

B. Why are musical alarms better?

C. Which music is the best? D. How can we overcome grogginess? 28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Sleep inertia is another cause for grogginess. B. How long a person sleeps is of great importance.

C. The 'beeping' alarm is not effective mainly because of its noisy tone. D. It is dangerous for everyone to drive or ride bicycles shortly after waking up. 29. The paragraph following this passage is likely to focus on

A. examples of good musical alarms B. more findings of the application of music C. explanations about why music is more helpful

浙江省宁波市2020届高三适应性考试(二模)英语试题 Word版含答案


