Physical Properties of the Triassic Host Strata and Their Relations With Gold Mineralizati
Physical Properties of the Triassic Host Strata and
Their Relations With Gold Mineralization in
Youjiang Rift,South China
【期刊名称】《中国地球化学学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】1998(017)003
【摘要】Micro-fine disseminated gold deposits are hosted in the Triassic Baipeng Formation (argillaceous siltstone and arenaceous mudstone)in the Youjiang Rift,South China.Physical properties(grain size,specific surface,porosity and permeability)of the host rocks are studied with respect to ore-fluid cirulation,water-rock reaction and the effective volume from which ore-components could be extracted.On this basis,it is considered that the ore-fluid and oremetals were extracted mainly from the strata and hydrothermal solutions,tending to move to wards low-energy sites,depositing their gold in fault zones at the margins of the basin and in the circle fracture systems around underwater uplifts.The gold deposits resulted from the deepcirculation of hydrothermal solutions,Probably aided by multi-stage superimposition The quantites of ore-fluid necessary to form the deposits were estimated.
Physical Properties of the Triassic Host Strata and Their Relations With Gold Mineralizati