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You are quite right .(副词) 你非常正确。

Mr.Wu comes to the school by bike. (介词短语) 吴老师骑自行车上学校。 She will arrive in Beijing on Monday. (介词短语)她将于星期一到达北京。 He stopped to have a look. (不定式短语)他停下来看了看。


We call her Xiao Li. 宾语 宾语补足语

You must keep the room clean and tidy. 宾语 宾语补足语 John asked me to help him with his Chinese. 宾语 宾语补足语 I will have my hair cut tomorrow.

宾语 宾语补足语

We saw the boy playing basketball on the playground just now.

宾语 宾语补足语


主谓宾表定状补, 七种成分记清楚。 句子主干主谓宾(表),枝叶成分定状补。 定语修饰主宾表, 宾语之后常有补。 主谓人称数一致, 状语位置最灵活。


指出下列句子中划线部分的成分。 1.We all study hard at English. A. 主语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D.表语 2.Betty likes her new bike very much.

A. 主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语 3.My brother is a policeman.

A. 主语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.表语 4.Were you at home last night?

A.定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D.表语 5.Winter is the coldest season of the year. A 定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D.表语 6.He often walks in the park.

A.定语 B.状语 C.宾语 D.表语

7.Mary asked me to help her yesterday.

A.定语 B.状语 C.宾补 D.表语 8.He bought me a nice present last week. A.宾语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补 9.His parents are doctors. A.宾语 B.表语 C.谓语 D.定语 10.I’ll get you some tea now. A.宾语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补 11.My mother told us an interesting story last night.

A.表语 B.直接宾语 C.间接宾语 D.宾补 12.He has read the book twice.

A.主语 B.谓语 C.表语 D.宾语 13.They seemed unhappy when they heard the news. A.表语 B.谓语 C.宾语 D.定语 14.Do you have something to eat ? A.状语 B.定语 C.宾语 D.宾补 15.We made him our monitor.

A.宾语 B.定语 C. 状语 D.宾补


由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)所构成的句子叫简单句。根据句子的基本结构,简单句分为5种基本句型: 1.S+V;(主语 + 不及物动词)

I can swim. 我会游泳。 主语 谓语(不及物动词)

Everything changes. 万物都在变。 主语 谓语

The plane has already arrived. 飞机已经抵达。 主语 谓语


I like English. 我喜欢英语。 主语 谓语 宾语

They are reading books . 他们在看书。 主语. 谓语 宾语

He bought a computer last week. 他上周买了台电脑。 主语 谓语 宾语


My mother is a scientist. 我母亲是个科学家。 主语 谓语 表语

She looks young. 她看上去很年轻。

主语 谓语 表语

The food tastes very delicious. 这食物尝起来很香。 主语 谓语 表语


My mother bought me a dictionary yesterday. 我母亲昨天给我买了本字典。 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语

Can you give me the math book? 你能给我那本数学书吗? 谓语 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语

Will you tell us something about your school life? 你给我讲讲你们的学习生活,好吗? 谓语 主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语 5.S+V+O+Oc;(主语+及物动词+宾语+补语)

We must keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们必须保持教室干净、整洁。 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语

My mother asks me to speak English as much as possible. 我母亲要求我尽可能多地讲英语。 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语

I heard her singing happily in the room just now. 刚才我听到她在房间里高兴地唱着歌。 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语


英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类看动词,后接成分是关键。 系词之后接表语,不及物后无需连。 及物又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见。 还有宾语补足语,各种搭配记心间。


指出下列句子的基本类型 1.They are listening. 2.My mother is fifty now. 3.I have bought three books.

4.My friend gave me a birthday present. 5.I painted the wall white.

6.The boss often makes the workers work twelve hours a day. 7.They arrived at six o’clock. 8.The map is on the wall 9.Children often sing this song.

10.Mr Wu teaches us English.

11.She showed her friends all her pictures. 12.I find him a lovely boy.

请朗读以下句子,划分下列句子的成分,并指出他们分别属于简单句中的哪种。 1. Our country consumes a large number of plastic bags. 2. The super-thin bags are the main source of white pollution. 3. We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags. 4. The new rule came out.

5. Enviornmental groups welcome the new rule. 6. They can stop using plastic bags.

7. What is particularly positive is that it involves public participation. 8. Shops don’t offer free plastic bags to their consumers.

9. Hong Kong and Australia are considering measures to curb plastic bag litter. 10. Chinese consumers have gotten used to free plastic shopping bags.

第四章 简单句的种类

英语句子按结构可分为三类:简单句,并列句和复合句: 1、

简单句Simple Sentences

含有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)的句子。 e.g. He often reads English in the morning. 2、

Tom and Mike are American boys. 并列句Compound Sentences

包含两个或两个以上主谓结构的句子且句子之间有并列连词and/but等或用分号连接。 e.g. You help him and he helps you. 3、

The future is bright; the road is tortuous. 复合句Complex Sentences


e.g. The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall.


一、陈述句——用来陈述一件事或表达一种看法。 1.肯定式:主语+谓语+……

I came here last night. 我是昨晚到这儿的。 The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 We have many friends. 我们有很多朋友。

Zhang Hong likes dancing. 张红喜欢跳舞。

2.否定式:如果句子的谓语动词是be/have或有助动词和情态动词,在它们之后加not构成否定式。 China is not a developed country. 中国不是一个发达国家。 He hasn’t been to Hangzhou. 他没去过杭州。

We can’t live without air. 没有空气,我们就不能生存。 They will not (won’t) go there. 他们将不去那里。

如果句子的谓语是行为动词,而又没有助动词或情态动词时,在谓语动词前加助动词do(第三人称单数用does,过去式用did)再加not构成否定式。 I don’t want to go. 他不想去。

He doesn’t like English. 他不喜欢英语。

She didn’t go to the party last night. 昨晚她没有去参加晚会。

二、 疑问句——英语中的疑问句分为一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句。 1. 一般疑问句——用yes或no来回答的疑问句。 Are you from England? 你是英格兰人吗? Do you speak English? 你讲英语吗? Will you be free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

2. 特殊疑问句——用疑问代词或疑问副词提问的句子,不用yes或no回答。 Whose bike is the newest? 谁的自行车最新? Who teaches you English? 谁教你们英语? Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁?

When will the meeting begin? 会议将在什么时候开始? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? 你为什么不早点告诉我呢? 3. 选择疑问句——提出两个或两个以上的情况让对方选择。


Is Kate’s hair long or short? It’s long. 凯特的头发是长还是短? 是长的。 Shall we go by bus or walk? By bus. 我们是乘车去还是步行呢? 乘车去

4. 反意疑问句——前一部分陈述一件事实,后一部分对前面的陈述提出相反的疑问。即前一部分如果是肯定结构,后一部分用否定结构;如果前一部分是否定结构,后一部分用肯定结构。 You are from England, aren’t you? 你是英格兰人,对吗? He can swim, can’t he ? 他会游泳,对吗?

Jim will go to England, won’t he? 吉姆将去英国,是吗? Tom tells you about it, doesn’t he? 汤姆告诉你那件事的,对吗?

Jenny didn’t come to school yesterday, did she? 珍妮昨天没来上学,对吗? They haven’t been to the Great Wall, have they? 他们没有去过万里长城,是吗? It’s not very cold today, is it? 今天天气不很冷, 是吗?


1. The teacher had a word with you,_______?



