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浙江省2002年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸英语写作试题 课程代码00097

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Part One:Questions 1-20

Directions:Thee are 20 sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the snetence.Then write the answer on the Answer Sheet.(在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。)20%

1.If your prices are competitive,we are confident ________ the goods in great quantities in this market.

A.to sell B.in selling C.in being sold D.to be selling

2.We should be grateful ________ you would tell us ____ they are reliable for a credit up to US S10,000.

A.if?whether B.whether?if C.if?that D.whether?that

3.We can only ________ this very advantageous offer for a few weeks. A.hold opening B.hold openly C.hold open D.hold to open

4.________ subsequent amendments please see to it that the L/C stipulations are strictly in accordance with the contract terms. A.Having avoided B.Avoid C.Being avoided D.To avoid

5.We shall appreciate ________ us FOB Sydney. A.you quoting B.your quoting

C.you to quote D.your being quoted

6.For most countries,the value of merchandise entries is _____ the biggest in the current account which covers imports and exports of goods. A.by far B.much

C.by a great extent D.a great deal

7.A ________ for middle management personnel is typical in this country. A.S40 000-a-year-salary B.salary of $40 000-a-year C.S40 000a-year-salary D.salary of $40 000 a year

8.Your answer to the question is ________ than others. A.correcter B.more nearly correct C.most correct D.more correct

9.He uses too many ________ and ________ when he talks to the manager. A.and?but B.ands?buts C.and?buts D.and's?but's

10.There is ________ for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target. A.nothing frustrating B.no frustrating

C.nothing more frustrating D.no more frustrating

11.The shipment arrived late;________,several items were damaged.

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A.further B.moreover C.therefore D.or

12.Knowing little about computers,________.

A.talk about hardware and software confused the visitors B.hardware and software confused the visitors

C.the visitors were confused by the talk about hardware and software D.the visitors confused by hardware and software

13.Our new billing system totals all balance,gives weekly reports and _____. A.prints statements B.statements are printed C.printed statements D.statements print

14.I find the internal control system of the company very ____. A.complicated B.complicatedly C.complicate D.to be complicated

15.Either a book or two articles ________ to be read to fulfill the assignment. A.was B.has

C.has had D.have

16.I consider you a better candidate than either ________. A.she or he B.her or him C.her or he D.her and him

17.Since its tune-up,the engine runs ________. A.smoother B.smoothlier

C.more smoothly D.more smooth

18.You can find ________ in the world who works harder than he. A.nobody B.none else C.no one D.no one else

19.We should like to go ________ into your proposal for an agency in Brazilia. A.further B.far C.more far D.ahead

20.The importer will submit reference if these ________ given in the preliminary negotiations. A.are not B.have not

C.has not been D.were not Part Two:Questions 21-30

There is one mistake in each of the following sentences.Detect and correct the m istakes.Write your corrections together with the mistakes one the Answer Sheet.( 下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。请将错误及改正写在答题纸上。)20% Example:Who's taking care the dog while you're away? taking care→taking care of

21.The letter said that the affect was devastating.

22.Numerous analysis are required before a decision can be made. 23.The document must arrive at here 30 days before shipment. 24.This is the apartment building which I live.

25.A manager must make his or her presence know to others.

26.Follow its WTO entry in December,2001,China will open its oil retail market to foreign oil

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27.Seats in the three first rows have been reserved. 28.She looks differently with her new hairdo.

29.No one made more profit in that transaction than him.

30.The business manager received many complements on his speech to our business principles


Part Three:Questions 31-40

Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given on the Answer Sheet.(用所给的词和词组在答题纸上写出符合逻辑的句子。)10%

31.We / been able to / yet / process / have not / your order / because / was delayed / your letter / in

the post

32.to do / he / a little / sightseeing / in England / managed / while / on business / he was

33.Would not / oil company executives / welcome / that / the news / the government / a substantial

increase / considered / in the petrol tax

34.there is / I am sure / a place / for / thoroughly trained / a young man / who is / in accounting /

in your organization

35.all disputes / this contract / negotiations / in connection with / shall be / through / settled /


36.further information / anyone / about / human relation department / the medical insurance plan /

who wants / should / contact / our

37.who had /the busy / personnel director / candidates / skills / interviewed / only / excellent /


38.count on/ in spite of / your support / we can / recent problem / I hope / our

39.that / we suggest / another / be conducted / to show / there is /any ground / whether / for claim /

thorough examination

40.of the year / we'd like / like you / to say / at /this time / how lucky / to have / we are / so many /

loyal customers

Part Four:Questions 41-50

Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error.One punctuation in each is either missing or misused.Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the Answer Sheet.(下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。改正错误或补写标点,并将其与前面的一个单词一起填写在答题纸上。)10%

Example: A.What a nice present you gave me. me! B.You think you are right don't you? right, 41.That is the correct form isn't it?

42.She talked with Mr.James Miss Evans and Mr.Ball before she made a decision. 43.“How interesting it is,” she cried.

44.The report that Mrs.Leslie submitted,has been lost.

45.The beautiful,valuable,antique,ring was on display in the shop. 46.“Please call me at 8∶30 a.m,”he said to the hotel clerk. 47.Investors' expectations are high,however,competition is fierce.

48.Several investors may form a syndicate to buy a good horse,the syndicate then shares expenses

and spreads risks.

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49.They were all working very hard;thus,finishing the task ahead of schedule. 50.You called Miss Jenny yesterday,didn't you! Part Five:

Memo Writing 15%

Write a memo in about 50 words on the Asnwer Sheet.

Mr.white,one of your clients from Germany,is going to buy a large amount of electronic components from your company.He also shows an interest in your company's newly designed DX fax machine,which is in the charge of Mr.Allen Chen,your colleague.Mr.White would like to bring some samples and brochures back home to make a trial sale.

Write a short memo to Mr.Allen Chen,one of your colleagues. ·Tell him the fact that Mr.White is interested in DX fax machine. ·Mention the number he wants to have. ·Suggest his direct contact. Part Six:

Letter Writing 25%

Write a letter in 130-150 wrods on the Answer Sheet.

Write a letter to United Electric Appliances Co.,informing them that their initial order for 100 laundry machines has been shipped.In order to acquire further orders,the letter should include the followng particulars:


·随寄一本新的家用电器小册子,说明所有产品制作精致,价格适中,在市场上一 定会畅销。


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浙江省2002年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸英语写作试题 课程代码00097


