【期刊名称】《物理学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(060)007
【摘要】本文通过在硅衬底发光二极管(LED)薄膜p-GaN表面蒸发不同厚度的Ni覆盖层,将其在N2:O2=4:1的气氛中、400℃-750℃的温度范围内进行退火,在去掉薄膜表面Nj覆盖层之后制备Pt/p-GaN欧姆接触层.实验结果表明:退火温度和Ni覆盖层厚度均对硅衬底GaN基LED薄膜P型欧姆接触有重要影响,Ni覆盖退火能够显著降低P型层中Mg受主的激活温度.经牺牲Ni退火后,P型比接触电阻率随退火温度的升高呈先变小后变大的规律,随Ni覆盖层厚度的增加呈先变小后变大随后又变小的趋势;经过优化后,当Ni覆盖层厚度%Different thick Ni layers are deposited on the GaN-based LED films grown on Si( 111 ) substrates, then LED films are annealed at 400℃--750 ℃ in the atmosphere of N2: O2 =4: 1. The Pt / p-GaN contact layer is prepared after removing the Ni-capping layer. It is found that annealing temperature and thickness of Ni-capping layer each have an important influence on the p-type contact of GaN-based LED film. The Ni film can significantly reduce the activation temperature of Mg aceeptor of the p-type GaN. The characteristic of p-type contact of Ni-capping sample becomes better first then turns worse with annealing temperature and it become better then turns worse and then better
with Ni-eapping thickness. After optimization, the specific contact resistivity of Pt/p-GaN in the ease of no second annealing can reach 6. 1 × 10-5 Ω·cm2, when Ni-eapping layer thickness is 1.5 nm and its annealing temperatune is 450 ℃. 【总页数】6页(808-813)
【关键词】氯化镓;发光二极管.牺牲Ni退火;P型接触 【作者】王光绪;陶喜霞;熊传兵;刘军林;封飞飞;张萌
【作者单位】南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047;南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047;南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047;南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047;南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047;南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,南昌330047 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】TN304.23 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_acta-physica-sinica_thesis/0201250953708.html 【相关文献】
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